I am trying to build up a map with my best guesses of where the places mentioned in this document lie. You can zoom in and out or get a larger version.
People in the direct line of descent towards me have a number attached to their names. Please read the note on spelling to understand the spellings used here, and how to pronounce them.
An index of all names appearing in this genealogy is available. The index is currently out of date: it will be updated when I get some time.
The earliest ancestor in the list is a brahmin (priests, upper caste) by the name of 1. Vedagarbha (বেদগর্ভ) of sAvarNa gotra who came to Bengal from Kanyakubja (কান্যকুব্জ) or Kanauj (in present day central Uttar Pradesh) which was then probably under the rule of the gurjara pratihAra dynasty. A brief political history of that time is available here. For more details on this mythology, see the main genealogy page.
2. Hemagarbha (হেমগর্ভ)
3. Ratnagarbha (রত্নগর্ভ)
4. Komalanga (কোমলাঙ্গ)
5. Shobhana (শোভন)
6. Vishoka (বিশোক)
7. Mangali (মাঙ্গলী) or (মাঙ্গালী)
8. Sasthivara (সষ্ঠীবর) or Sasthidhara ((ষষ্ঠীধর))
The Kunda dynasty officially starts with 9. Rosakara Brahmachari (রোষাকর ব্রহ্মচারী).
roSAkara had a brother called Rashmikara (রশ্মিকর) and (I can't understand this part) a baby(?) brother/sister(?) shishu? (শিশু) revati ? revatikaa ? gAGguli? (গাঙ্গুলি). rashmikara died with no children. Mythology about this period can be found at the main genealogy page.
10. Shatha (শাঠ) or Shadho (শাধো) and brothers Shava (শাব), Dhana (ধন) and Rama (রাম).
11. Uda (উদ) or Ud (উদ্)
12. Shalya (শল্য) or Chelu? (চেলু)
13. Govinda (গোবিন্দ)
14. Vatsa (বত্স): missing from one list.
15. Damodara (দামোদর): missing from one list.
16. Prithvidhara Hajra (পৃথ্বিধর হাজরা): missing from one list.
17. Janmejaya (জনমেজয়) (missing in one list)
Gau Shivanama (গাউ শিবনামা), Bau Mukundapandit (বাউ মুকুন্দপণ্ডিত), 18. Shankar (শঙ্কর), and their foster brother Purushottama (পুরুষোত্তম).
19. Mangalacharya (মঙ্গলাচার্য্য) and Krishnadas (কৃষ্ণদাস). kRSNadAsa moved from Shrimad Vikrampur (শ্রীমদ বিক্রমপুর) to Domsara (ডোমসার) village (may be Domsar, Shariatpur)
20. Raghunatha Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya (রঘুনাথ সার্ব্বভৌম ভট্টাচার্য্য) and Gopinatha Chakravarti (গোপীনাথ চক্রবর্তী), the two sons of mangalAcAryya moved to moSakAThI (মোষকাঠী) (seems like the same place called moD.AkAThI (মোড়াকাঠী) later on). They were apparently brought there, along with their deity, by an important personage referred to as king Ramachandra (রামচন্দ্র) . This king may be the same as Raja Ramchandra of Bakla who probably lived from the end of 16th to early 17th century.
21. Ramajeevan Bhattacharya (রামজীবন ভট্টাচার্য্য)
22. Ramagovinda Vidayalankar Bhattacharya (রামগোবিন্দ বিদ্যালঙ্কার ভট্টাচার্য্য) had 4 brothers: Rameshvar (রামেশ্বর) who had two children, neither of whom fathered any children, Ramavallabh (রামবল্লভ), Rama (রাম), and Raghava (রাঘব). The sons of rAma-vallabha moved to Naudhuli (নৌধুলী) village (also called Dhula (ধূল) village), rAma moved to Tarapasha (তারপাশা) village, whereas rAghava's descendants settled in Shikarpur (শীকারপূর) and Batajore (বাটাজোর) (see description of region around moD.AkAThi village).
Shivaram (শিবরাম) and 23. Gangaram (গঙ্গারাম)
Raghuram (রঘুরাম), 24. Ramgopal (রামগোপাল), Ramananda (রামানন্দ), Ramsharan (রামশরণ), and Rupnarayan (রূপনারায়ণ). raghu-rAma's son moved to Baishi (বাইশী) village, rAmAnanda moved to Haritpura (হরিতপুর) village, and rUpa-nArAYaNa did not leave any descendants today. rAma-sharaNa stayed on in moD.AkAThi village.
25. Ramrudra Siddhanta (রামরুদ্র সিদ্ধান্ত) and Kalicharan (কালীচরণ) both stayed on in moD.AkaThI, though no one was left of kAlI-caraNa's family in moD.AkAThI ultimately.
Ramratna Vidyavagish (রামরত্ন বিদ্যাবাগীশ), Ratiram (রতিরাম), Ratikanta (রতিকান্ত, missing from one list), Kashinath Tarkabhushan (কাশীনাথ তর্কভূষণ), and 26. Shambhunath Vidyalankar (শম্ভুনাথ বিদ্যালঙ্কার) (descendants in our house: a mud house). rati-rAma and rati-kAnta had no sons, and rAma-ratna's line ultimately died out. kAshI-nAtha's generations (lived in puran bAD.i, a brick house northwest of our house, before manasAtalA and raYabAD.i) are listed elsewhere.
Harinarayan Nyayvagish (হরিনারায়ণ ন্যায়বাগীশ), (some descendants lived in the east building of our house, and some moved to naYA bAD.i, a mud house southwest of our house across the road), and 27. Gaurinath Tarkavagish (গৌরীনাথ তর্কবাগীশ).
Durgacharan (দুর্গাচরণ), Shyamacharan (শ্যামাচরণ), Gurucharan Shiromani (গুরুচরণ শিরোমণি) (descendants lived in southern building in our house) and 28. Vanamali Smritiratna (বণমালী স্মৃতিরত্ন) (we lived in the western building in our house). vaNamAlI wanted to be a sannyAsI, so he ran away from home to Calcutta. He was probably offerred a house in Calcutta by someone (a disciple of the family, perhaps), but that was not suffcient to hold him there. He was finally brought back by guru-caraNa, and was married off. He died around 1925 and his wife passed away after 1946. durgA-caraNa and shyAmA-caraNa died without issue.
Yamini and Shailabala Bhattacharya
29. Yamini (যামিনী) and Nalini (নলিণী) (he moved to a new building yet west of our building at some point), and another daughter (who lived in benares). yAminIkAnta bhaTTAcAryya (born around 1892) married Shailabaladebi (শৈলবালা দেবী) (about 12 or 13 years younger, when she was about 11 or 12; bedridden after a fall in 1974; passed away Oct 1976), who was one out of about 8 offsprings (eldest of 3 daughters of whom youngest was pArijAta whose eldest daughter was lAvi and 3 sons: baba's baromama, sonamama and chhotomama; mejomama was a cousin: they lived around BT road, near nimtA) of Kalikinkar (কালিকীঙ্কর) Tarkavagish? (তর্কবাগীশ) / Vachaspati? (বাচষ্পতি) of Minajdi (মিনাজদি) village in Madanpur (মদনপুর) or Madaripur? (মাদারিপুর) subdivision which is currently in Bangladesh. In the November of 1961, yAminI was lost walking from a cousin sonA's (wife's brother) house in nimtA near Calcutta to a cousin kArtika's (wife's cousin of same generation) house Sodpur. When he was discovered missing a few months later, a search was started. Many years later, his clothes and bags were recovered from a lake there next to some human bones and people in the region remember hearing shouts for help one night, indicating he might have fallen into the lake, gotten disoriented, swam into the lake, and drowned.
Mani Gopal and Arati Bhattacharya
Malina (মলিনা), Nani Gopal Bhattacharya (ননী গোপাল ভট্টাচার্য্য), Phani Gopal Bhattacharya (ফনি গোপাল ভট্টাচার্য্য), 30. Mani Gopal Bhattacharya (মনি গোপাল ভট্টাচার্য্য), Aparna Aitch (অপর্ণা আইচ), and Chuni Gopal Bhattacharya (চুনী গোপাল ভট্টাচার্য্য). According to a handwritten note from Yaminikanta, mani gopAla was born 9hrs 8mins 36secs after sunrise, or a few minutes before 4pm IST (+0530) on the Bengali date of 16 mAgha 1340, which corresponds to 30 January 1934. His mtDNA haplogroup was near M65b (except he did not have A241G). He married Arati bhaTTAcAryya on 26 June 1961, and after spending some time in Delhi, Barrackpore and Calcutta, settled down in Chandannagore (চন্দননগর). According to their passports, mani gopAla was born on 2 March, 1936 in darjipArA hospital in Calcutta, and Arati was born on 8 Feb 1940 in Panbaria (পানবাড়িয়া) in barisAla district. Arati passed away around 7:30am at Chandannagore on Jan 31 2016 from complications following adenocarcinoma of the lungs.
Tanmoy Bhattacharya and Kumkum Ganguly
Tanmoy Bhattacharya (তন্ময় ভট্টাচার্য্য) (also called Partha (পার্থ), Madhusudan (মধুসূদন), Ghangu (ঘঙ্গু), and Baban (বাবন), b. in Calcutta 22° 32' N 88° 32' E at 5:50 pm IST(+0530) on 5 Nov 1962 (If you do not understand dates, but can identify planets :-), look here), Bengali 19 kArttika 1369), who had Y haplotype R1a1a1b2a1a2c2d5~xa (R-Y2428*) and mtDNA haplotype M5a2a6b, and Sangeeta Bhattacharya (সঙ্গীতা ভট্টাচার্য্য) (Mamma (মাম্মা), b 3 Aug 1966, Bengali 17 shrAvaNa 1373). Tanmoy married Kumkum Ganguly (কুমকুম গাঙ্গুলী; born at 0:30 IST(+0530) August 6, 1968 Bengali 20 shrAvaNa 1375 in Calcutta Nuland nursing home; look here for the star positions) on November 22, 2003 Bengali 5 agrahAYaNa 1410.