Planetary postions at Sangeeta's birth

The following links probably give a correct description of her natal chart: 1.

Date of birth: Wednesday, 3rd August 1966, Bengali 17th zrAvaNa 1373, at 9:05 AM in Calcutta (22.32°N 88.22°E). According to the ephemeris commonly used in Bengal (i.e. using formulae from a long time back), the planetary positions at sunrise on the previous, that, and the next day are given below. It is likely that this entire chart is incorrect; arising from a confusion of 1966 ephemeris with the 1967 one. a.b.c stands for a ghaTi (1/60 of sunrise to sunrise, roughly 24 minutes), b pala (1/60 ghaTi), c anupala (1/60 pala); except for sunrise and sunset where it is a hours b minutes c seconds IST. a.b.c.d means zodiac a (0 based; 1 zodiac=30 deg), b degrees, c minutes, d seconds. rAhu and ketu are the two points where the moons orbit intersect the ecliptic. I do not know what the mu. is.

16 zrAvaNa17 zrAvaNa18 zrAvaNa
day 32.45.20 32.42.45 32.40.10
night 27.14.40 27.17.15 27.19.50
sunrise 05.10.06
sunset 06.15.12

For astrological purposes: the following information is relevant: ascendant: Leo 6.14, Virgo 8.26, Libra 10.37, Scorpio 12.52, Sagittarius 15.08, Capricorn 17.16, Aquarius 19.03, Pisces 20.36, Aries 22.04, Taurus 23.42, Gemini 1.35, Cancer 3.54. Planetary traversals: 17th 42.50 mercury to puSyA, 15th mercury to Cancer, 8th saturn retrograde, 7th 44.05 to punarvvasu, 5th venus to pUrvvaphAlgunI, 2nd mars to svAtI.

The tables give (reading rowwise from top) the day of the week (1 based), the nakSatra, the yoga, the tithi, the three times (three ghaTis, three palas, three anupalas), the karaNa, and the date.
16 zrAvaNa     17 zrAvaNa     18 zrAvaNa
4 513     5 614      6 715
265457    275655     285752
1023 5    1139 4     1139 0
164731    443425     544338
0 216    49 417     18 618

The folowing (which has probably been miscopied), the planet postions are shown at the moment of birth, the numbers indicating the nakSatras (1 based). It obviously has typos: the bu 1 and ca 11 do not make sense for example. I also seem to get ra 8, ma 15, bu 7 and zu 11, but who knows what correction I am missing.

                         \   |       |za /    
                          \  |       |27/     
                         bu\ | rA 1  | /
                          1 \|       |/ 
                         ra 7|       |
                             |       |	     
                         vR 9|       |
                             |       |	     
                         zu /|       |\	     
                         10/ | ma 14 | \	     
                          /  | ke 15 |ca\     
                         /   |       |11 \    

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