Malina (মলিনা) was born around 1917 and married Gopal Bandopadhyay (গোপাল বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়) of Tuibya (তুইব্যা) in Madaripur (মাদারিপুর) subdivision of Bangladesh and had five children: kamala (কমল) in Dec 1932, Niyati (নিয়তি) on 4 Magha 1343 by the Bengalee calendar (Jan 1937), Dulal (দুলাল) on Bengalee 15 ASADh.a 1345 (June/July 1938), Ranendranath (রণেন্দ্রনাথ) on Bengalee 13 caitra 1350 (Mar 1944) and Rina (রীণা) on Bengalee 30 kArttika 1360 (14 Nov 1953). gopAla died away from home in early 70's; malinA passed away around noon of July 6, 2006.
kamala married Nepal Chandra Raychaudhuri (নেপাল চন্দ্র রায়চৌধুরি) and had five children: Amar (অমর) (Amu (অমু)) on 2? Jan 1952 (died young from tetanus around 1959), Samir (সমির) (Somu (সোমু)) in Bengalee caitra 1360 (March 1954), Mala (মালা) in 1958, Debashis (দেবাশিশ) (Buro (বুড়ো)) in 1960 and Ashis (আশিশ) in January 1963. samira married Rina (রীণা) and had son Surajit (সুরজিত) on 17 Nov 1995. mAlA married Arun Ghatak (অরুণ ঘটক) and had son Joy (জয়) on 12 August 1983 and daughter Maman (মামান) on 8 Nov 1989. devAshisha left home around the age of 30? and was not heard from since. nepAla died in ???.
niYati died in 1998.
dulAla died in May 1985.
raNendra-nAtha married Rekha (রেখা) and had a son Shantanu (শান্তনু) on 12 Dec 1982. raNendra-nAtha died in February 1985.
rINA married Sukhendu Chattopadhyay (সুখেন্দু চট্টোপাধ্যায়) in the fall of 1990 and had daughter Riya (রিয়া) on Oct 6, 1992.