Raghuram (রঘুরাম) (24)'s son Ramram Tarkapanchanan (রামরাম তর্কপঞ্চানন) (25) moved to ba(/A)ish(AD.)i (বইশাড়ি/বাইশি) (later also called Raishari (রাইশারী)) village. He had three sons Ramjaya Bhattacharya (রামজয় ভট্টাচার্য্য) (26), Romrom Siddhanta (রোমারাম সিদ্ধান্ত) and Ramlochan Tarkabhushan (রামলোচন তর্কভূষণ).
Ramjay Bhattacharya (রামজায় ভট্টাচার্য্য)'s (26) son was called Ramchandra Vidyalankar or Vidyabhushan? (রামচন্দ্র বিদ্যালঙ্কার/বিদ্যাভূষণ) (27) who had four sons: Navakrishna Bhattacharya (নবকৃষ্ণ ভট্টাচার্য্য) (28), Rajkrishna Bhattacharya (রাজকৃষ্ণ ভট্টাচার্য্য), Gopanath Bhattacharya (গোপনাথ ভট্টাচার্য্য) and Umashankar Vidyaratna (উমাশঙ্কর বিদ্যারত্ন), who did not have any children. nava-kRSNa had two sons, Kalimohan (কালিমোহন) (29) and Kaliprasad (কালিপ্রসাদ). kAli-mohana had two sons: first one fathered Amulya (অমুল্য) (31) and the second was called Barada (বরদা) (30) and fathered Keshta (কেষ্ট) (31). rAja-kRSNa (28) had two sons Pyarimohan (প্যারীমোহন) (29) and Ramakumar (রামকুমার).
romA-rAma's (26) son was called Krishnamohan (কৃষ্ণমোহন) (27), whose son was Govinda (গোবিন্দ) (28). govinda had many sons, the eldest were Kaliprasanna (কালিপ্রসন্ন) (29), Dinabandhu (দীনবন্ধু), Madanmohan (মদনমোহন), and Satyacharan (সত্যচরণ). dIna-bandhu has been mentioned as the husband (or worshipper if referring to the deity, and that is more likely) of Mahamaya (মহামায়া) of Chandrahar (চন্দ্রহার) and had no children. kAliprasanna's (29) son was Rasbehai (রাসবিহারী) (30) who had two sons Ramkrishna (রামকৃষ্ণ) (31) and Jagannath (জগন্নাথ). rAmakRSNa's son was Shankar (শঙ্কর) (32).
rAma-locana tarka-bhUSaNa's (26) son was called Ramamani/Ramamanikya Vidyalankar (রামমণি/রামমাণিক্য বিদ্যালঙ্কার) (27). He had two sons: Harakumar/Haracaran(?) (হরকুমার/হর-চরণ) (28) and Sanatan Bhattacharya (সনাতন ভট্টাচার্য্য). harakumAra's son was Gopal (গোপাল) (29) whose son was Hemanta (হেমন্ত) (30) who was the father of Ranajit (রণজিত) (31). sanAtana bhaTTAcAryya's (28) son was Anukul (অনুকুল) (29), whose son was Satish (সতীশ) (30). satIsha's son was called Murari (মুরারি) (31).