Dhiren and Mayadebi Bhattacharyya
A list of all names appearing in this geneology is also available, but is out of date.
My mother's family is recorded as descended from Bhavanath Chattopadhyay (ভবনাথ চট্টোপাধ্যায়), a brahmin of kAshyapa gotra living in Nalchira (নলচিড়া) village in Nimandwip (নিমনদ্বীপ) in Barishal (বরিশাল) district in current Bangladesh. (Possibly this place.) According to tradition, all Chattopadhyays are descended from a brahmin called Daksa (দক্ষ).
His son was Kushinama Ramgopal Kaviraj Chakravarti (কুশিনামা রামগোপাল কবিরাজ চক্রবর্ত্তী)
He had three sons: Gangesh Tarkalankar (গঙ্গেশ তর্কালঙ্কার) settled in Brahmanbariya (ব্রাহ্মণবাড়িয়া) in Banga (বঙ্গ) (maybe this); Raghudev (রঘুদেব), who settled in Banshabati (বংশবাটী) in Kashi (কাশী); and Madhav (মাধব) who stayed in Nalchira in Nimandwip.
He had two sons: Ramkanta Vacaspati (রমাকান্ত বাচষ্পতি) and Raghav (রাঘব).
He had three sons: Kalidas Siddhantavagish (কালিদাস সিদ্ধান্তবাগীশ), Jagannath Panchanan (জগন্নাথ পঞ্চানন) and Krishnadev Nyaylankar (কৃষ্ণদেব ন্যায়ালঙ্কার).
Kalidas had four sons, the second of whom was Rameshvar (রামেশ্বর), who may have been confused with another person of the same name.
Krishnadev's son was Gauriprasad (গৌরীপ্রসাদ).
Gaurprasad had two sons: Hariprasad (হরিপ্রসাদ) and Bhairavchandra (ভৈরবচন্দ্র).
Hariprasad's son was Kalikaprasad (কালিকাপ্রসাদ).
Bhairavchandra's son was Bhagavanchandra (ভগবানচন্দ্র).
kalikaprasad's son was Rameshvar (রামেশ্বর). He may have been confused with another person of the same name.
Ramkishor (রামকিশোর).
Ratnakrishna (রত্নকৃষ্ণ).
Chandrakumar (চন্দ্রকুমার).
He had four sons: Kaminikumar (কামিনীকুমার) was the oldest and Hemantakumar (হেমন্তকুমার) was the youngest. They lived in a village called Panbariya (পানবাড়িয়া), but when the river Phultala (ফুলতলা) swallowed their land sometime in the early 1940's, they moved to Paschim Bagura (পশ্চিম বগুড়া) in barishAla. I do not know where these are, but Panbaria is probably this, though it may be this instead, and Paschim Bagura may be in Barisal city. It is possible that the current Taltali river was called Phultala in the past. Kaminikumar left Barishal and came to West Bengal about six months before independence on 15th August 1947.
Kaminikumar had four children: daughter Sukhada (সুখদা) settled in Erenda (এড়েঁদা), and sons Nivaran (নিবারণ), Dhiren (ধীরেণ) (b. Bengali 20 kArttika of 1904 AD, d. 16 Aug 1983), who settled in Chandannagore (চন্দন্নগোর), Nagen (নগেন), who settled in Goghata (গোঘাটা), and Ratneshvar (রত্নেশ্বর) who died immediately after marriage just before the family moved to West Bengal; and Sona (সোনা), Chitta (চিত্ত), and Satya (সত্য) by a second marriage. Dhiren was a teacher in the school at Shankar Math in Barisal Sadar; and after coming to West Bengal used to teach in Chatra, Srirampose.
Sukhada had four sons Shambhu (শম্ভু), Bonu (বোনু), Debu (দেবু), and another, and two daughters, the younger called Mina (মীনা).
Nivaran, who married a 7 or 9 year old girl, died by the time she was 17. Their daughter Sundari (সুন্দরী) settled in Chakda (চাকদা). She passed away 5–10 years before 2000. She had two sons, the elder being Mantu (মণ্টু), and possibly two daughters.
Dhiren and Mayadebi Bhattacharyya
Dhiren married Mayadebi Chakrabarti (মায়াদেবী চক্রবর্তী). [She was born on 11 May 1918 to Basanta Chakrabarti (বসন্ত চক্রবর্ত্তী) of Chandrahar (চন্দ্রহার) (22° 55' N, 90° 16' E); and had two younger sisters and two brothers. The elder of the two sisters was Leela (লীলা) who is now expired, mother of son Tapan (তপন) and daughters Namita (নমিতা) and Kalpana (কল্পনা), who had insanity and passed away in the 1990's; and the younger was Reba (রেবা) who had two sons: Buro (বুড়ো) and Babu (বাবু) and two daughters: Swapna (স্বপ্না) and Ramala (রমলা). Buro and Babu had a son each (their thread ceremonies were around 2007). Basanta Chakrabarti's sons were called Haridas (হরিদাস), also called Chand (চাঁদ), and Bijay Krishna (বিজয় কৃষ্ণ). Mayadebi passed away 24 Feb 1977.] Dhiren and Mayadevi had a number of children: the first child Anjali (অঞ্জলি), born in Bengali 22 Pausha 1340, died early (Bengali 1357), the second Arati (আরতী) was born on Tuesday, 20 Oct 1936 (Bengali 3 kArttika 1343; 8 Feb 1940 according to her passport) in Panbaria (Barishal, Bangladesh according to her passport), the third was Shephali (শেফালী) (b. Bengali 22 phAlguna 1345), while the fourth, Shankar (শঙ্কর) (b. Bengali 29 jyeSTha 1348) died early (Bengali 24 caitra 1353). The fifth was Santosh (সন্তোষ) (b. Bengali 6 baishAkha 1348 or 22 pauSa 1351?), the sixth Dipali (দীপালী) (b. Bengali 15 bhAdra 1354) died young (Bengali 12 kArttika 1357), the seventh Swapan (স্বপন) (b. Bengali 16 vaishAkha 1358) died young, and the last three daughters are Anulekha (অনুলেখা) (anu (অনু)) (b. Bengali 16? 14 baishAkha 1360), Bulbul (বুলবুল) (bulu (বুলু)) (b. Bengali 10 jaiSTha 1363) and Tultul (তুলতুল) (Tota (তোতা)) (b. Bengali 16 agrahAYana 1367).
Nagen had four children: Jivan (জীবন), Kalpana (কল্পনা), Gauranga (গৌরাঙ্গ), and Manu (মনু) (can't read proper name).
Sona had one daughter and a son.
Chitta had two daughters: Soma (সোমা) and Dola (দোলা).
Satya had three sons.
Arati, my mother, passed away around 7:30am on Jan 31 2016 from complications following adenocarcinoma of the lungs; for her family see my genealogy described as part of the genealogy of my father's side. My mtDNA haplotype is M5a2a6b.
Shephali and Nani Chakravarty
Shephali married Nani Chakravarti (ননি চক্রবর্ত্তী) in Mar 1964 and had a son Chinmoy (চিন্ময়) (Pupu (পুপু)) on 11 February 1965, a daughter Kalyani (কল্যানী) (Buri (বুড়ি)) on 6 May 1969, and a son Mrinmoy (মৃন্ময়) (Buro (বুড়ো)) on 25 Mar 1975. Nani passed away from complications following metastatic prostate cancer and Covid-19 around 1:20pm IST (+0530) on Nov 13, 2020.
Santosha, Pratima, Tapasi and
Manasi Bhattacharyya
Santosha married Pratima Bandopadhyaya (প্রতিমা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়) (b. 29 Nov 1949) on Bengali 19 agrahAYaNa in 1974 AD and had two daughters: Tapasi (তাপসী) (Dola (দোলা)) (b. around 2 AM, Bengali 1 bhAdra, 19 August 1976) and Manasi (মানসী) (Soma (সোমা)) (b. Bengali 22 kArttika, 7 Nov 1977).
Kunal, Anulekha, and Jayeeta Bhattacharya
Anulekha married Kunal Bhattacharya (কুণাল ভট্টাচার্য্য) on 9 May 1983 (Bengali 25 Baishaakha) and had Jayeeta (জয়ীতা) (Jhilli (ঝিল্লী), Pinky (পিঙ্কী)) at 1:07 pm IST(+0530) on 26 September 1991 Bengali 9 Ashvina 1398).
Bulbul and Rupak Mukhopadhyay
Bulbul married Dipak Mukhopadhyay (দীপক মুখোপাধ্যায়) 19 April 1989 (or Bengali 4 baishAkha) and had Rupak (রূপক) (Billu (বিল্লু), Arka (অর্ক)) at 11:10 am IST(+0530) on 13 March 1990 (Bengali 28 phAlguna 1396). Dipak passed away on 17 July 2020 around 10:20pm IST(+0530).
Utpal, Tultul, and Poushali Gangopadhyay
Tultul married Utpal Gangopadhyay (উৎপল গঙ্গোপাধ্যায়), of Motijheel Lake, Chunchura, Hooghly, son of Shital Chandra and Ranibala Gangopadhyay, on 26 January 1989 and had Paushali (পৌষালী) Ganguly/Gangopadhyay (Billi (বিল্লী), Rinki (রিঙ্কী), Mani (মানি), Shana (সানা)) at 4:10 pm IST(+0530) on 27 December 1989 (Bengali 11 pauSa 1396).
Jivan had four children: Mala (মালা), Ashis (আশিস), Runtu (রুণ্টু), Jhana (ঝনা). Runtu and Jhana both got married in Nov - Dec 2000 (before Dec 10), Mala and Ashis (had two marriages) were married long before that.
Gauranga had four children.
Soma had a daughter.
Dola had a son.
Chinmoy, Eli, Rupsa, and Ritam Chakravarty
Chinmoy married Eli Chattopadhyay (এলী চট্টোপাধ্যায়) (b. 13 July 1965) on 29 November 1990 and had a daughter Rupsa (রূপসা) (Jhilam (ঝীলম)) on 28 September 1993 and a son Ritam (ঋতম) on 31 May 2000.
Ashok, Kalyani, and Deboja Ganguly
Kalyani married Ashoke Ganguly (অশোক গাঙ্গুলী) (b. 1 August 1962; according to passport 23 January 1963) on the 21 November 1992 and had Deboja (দেবজা) (Bunu (বুনু)) on the 24 September 1995. They had Ritaja (ঋতজা) at 3:38 AM EDT (-0400) on August 10, 2004 at St. Francis Hospital, Hartford, CT, who died around midday August 28 from undiagnosed neonatal complications.
Trina, Priyam, Rishan and Mrinmoy
Mrinmoy married Trina Bandopadhyay (তৃণা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়) (b. 14 October 1979) on 7 June 2001. They had a son, Priyam (প্রিয়ম), born in Bangalore, India, just after midday IST (+0530) on July 28 2007, and a second son, Rishan, born around Nov 21 2014, also in Bangalore.
Shubhra, Tapasi, and Dibyam
Tapasi married Shubhra Mukherjee, শুভ্র মুখার্জী, son of Dilip and Lila Mukherjee, দিলীপ ও লীলা মুখার্জী, on Nov 22, 2010. They had Dibyam Mukherjee (দিব্যম মুখার্জ্জী) around July 16 2012.
Manasi, Bagisha, and
Sandipan Bhattacharjee
Manasi married Sandipan Bhattacharjee, সন্দীপন ভট্টাচার্য্য (born around Feb 16, 1976), elder of two sons of Sunil Kumar, সুনীল কুমার, and Tapasi, তাপসী, of Bansdroni, বাঁশদ্রোণী, on May 1, 2014, Bengali 17th Baisakh 1421. They settled down near Ghaziabad along with Sandipan's sister and had a daughter, Bagisha, about a few months before Jan 13, 2019.
Dipak Chanda weds Poushali; Trinabha
Poushali married Dipak Chanda (দীপক চন্দ), son of Dilip (দিলীপ) and Jyotsna (জ্যোৎস্না) Chanda, of 40, Govinda Bhattacharya Lane, ShriKrishna Kunja Apartment, Jhautala, Sreerampur, Hooghly, slightly after 9pm IST (+0530) on Bengali 28 Agrahayana 1422, 15 December 2015, at Chaube Lodge, Akhanbazar, Chunchura, Hooghly. They had a son Trinabha (ত্রিনভ) on June 3, 2020 (Bengali 20 JyaiSTha 1427).
Jayeeta and Sayantan
Jayeeta registered her marriage to Sayantan Chaklader (সায়ন্তন চাকলাদার) (born October 1, 1990 to Shikha and Satyabrata Chakladar of Rahara Dangapara, Khardaha) of Kolkata on May 30, 2021 and had a social marriage on Nov 29, 2021 in Chandannagore.
Deboja and Nirvana
Rupsa and Parth