Person Index
Important: Before you try to pronounce these names, read the
note about the Bengali transliteration
used. If you are too impatient, then pronounce them as in English
except that G and J (the capitalized ones) stand for a nasal soung
like ng, and c is to be pronounced like ch. This way, what you
pronounce will possibly be recognizable at least. The pronounciation
of y (lower case) is often like j, and the combination kS is like
kkh. y, v and m without preceding vowel, r or l duplicate the previous
consonant: thus lakSmaNa is pronounced almost lakkhon.
Alphabetical (in bengali) listing of
all names appearing in the geneology. The number gives
the generations since bhavanAtha
caTTopAdhyAYa. Roughly speaking, this gives an idea of the time
someone lived.
Translation between date of birth and generation number.
Note that these are meant to be indicative only: the actual generation
time was certainly more variable. See the discussion on my
genealogy page for a discussion
of the uncertainties.
Approximate time of birth | Generation range |
Approximate time of birth | Generation range |
Approximate time of birth | Generation range |
21st century | 17-20 |
20th century | 14-17 |
19th century | 11-14 |
18th century | 7-10 |
17th century | 4- 7 |
16th century | 1- 4 |
Apart from last names that appear through
marriage: gaGgopAdhyAYa and gAGgulI [colloquial from gaGgopAdhyAYa [gaGgA (a river; see here) + upAdhyAYa (teacher; see here)], the family has used three
major last names: bhaTTAcAryya, cakra-varttI and caTTopAdhyAYa (see here for meanings).
Strictly speaking, bhaTTAcAryya and cakra-varttI are supposed to be titles.
- anu-lekhA bhaTTAcAryya
- anu (along, following) + likh (from rikh;
to tear up, furrow, scratch, engrave, write) + suffix. For
bhaTTAcAryya, see
- aJjali 15
- aJj (to apply ointment, color, anoint,
clarify, decorate, honour) + suffix = open hands slightly hollowed,
reverence, handful of grain).
- ambikA-nAtha 8
- ambikA (pArvatI, see here) + nAtha (lord, see here.) = shiva
- AratI bhaTTAcAryya
- From saMskRta ArAtrika [A (near, towards,
among, fully) + rAtri [from rAtrI, probably from rA (to give, see
here) or ram (to calm, see
here); night] + suffix =
light waved before idol at night, worship]. For bhaTTAcAryya,
see here.
- Ashisa 16
- Benediction. See here.
- Rtam cakravartti 17
- past participle of R (to rise, go, meet
with, obtain) = proper, right, suitable, brave, honest, respected,
fixed order, law.
- kalpanA 15
- kLp (to be well regulated, be suitable to,
be fit for, fall to share, help obtain, bring into connection in, to
declare as, to consider) + suffix = fixing, preparing, forming,
forming in mind, form, shape, image, mental image.
- kalyAnI cakra-varttI
- kalya [from kal (to impel, accomplish),
well, hale, vigorous] + suffix = beautiful, illustriuos,
excellent, beneficial, prosperous, fortunate, lucky. For
cakravartti, see here.
- kAminI-kumAra 13
- kAminI [kAma [kam (to love, desire, see here) + suffix = wish, desire,
longing, love] + suffix (possessive+feminine) = desirous, longing,
wanton, enamoured] + kumAra (son, see here)
- kAlikA-prasAda 8
- kAlikA [kAli (a goddess, see here) + suffix (diminuitive; no
change in meaning)] + prasAda (gift, see here)
- kAli-dAsa siddhAnta-vAgIsha
- worshipper of the goddess kAlI. See here. siddhAnta (doctrine;
see here) + vAgIsha
(eloquent; see here)
- kAlI-pada 10
- kAlI (a goddess, see here) + pada [from pad (foot, to
fall); step, footstep, foot] = kAli's worshipper.
- kAshI-nAtha 7
- Lord of kAsi. See here.
- kRSNa-deva nyAYAlaGkAra 5
- Worshipper of kRSNa, see here. For nyAYAlaGkAra, see here.
- keshava-lAla 10
- keshava [kesha [said to be from klish (to torment, molest, pain,
afflict); hair, mane] + suffix = one with long, plentiful, handsome,
hair, epithet of viSNu] + lAla (child, see here).
- gaGgesha tarkAlaGkAra 3
- gaGgA (name of a holy river; see here) + Isha (master, see here) = epithet of shiva. For
tarkAlaGkAra, see here.
- govinda 8
- kRSNa, see here.
- gaurAGga
- gaura (white; see here) + aGga (body; see here) = epithet of the reformer
- gaurAGga-lAla 10
- gaurAGga (caitanya; see here) + lAla (dear; see here).
- gaurI-nAtha 6
- Shiva; see here.
- gaurI-prasAda 6
- gauri (pArvati; see here) + prasAda (gift; see here = by the grace of
- candra-kumAra 12
- candra (moon; see here) + kumAra (son; see here).
- cinmaYa cakra-varttI 16
- cit (to perceive, be attentive, observe,
comprehend) + suffix (changed from; made of) = consisting of pure
thought. For cakravarttI, see here.
- jagannAtha paJcAnana 5
- epithet of viSNu; see here. paJcAnana is an epithet
of shiva; See here.
- jaYItA bhaTTAcAryya 16
- jaYa (victory; see here) + suffix. For bhaTTAcAryya, see
- jIvana 15
- Life; see here.
- jhanA 16
- meaning unknown.
- tanmaYa bhaTTAcAryya 16
- See here.
- tApasI bhaTTAcAryya 16
- tapas [tap (to shine, give out heat, consume or
destroy by heat, suffer pain, repent, be purified by heat, undergo
austerity) + suffix = heat, pain, suffering, austerity] + suffix
(possessor+feminine) = ascetic. For bhaTTAcArya, see here.
- tArinI-nAtha 8
- tAriNI [tRR (to save; see here + suffix (subject+feminine) =
saving; an epithet of durgA] + nAtha (lord; see here).
- tula-tula bhaTTAcAryya 15
- Meaning unknown. For bhattAcAryya, see here.
- dIna-nAtha 7
- God, see here.
- dIpAlI 15
- dIpa [dIp (to blaze, shine, burn) + suffix
= light, lamp] + suffix = row of lights, name of a
- deva-jA gAGgulI 17
- deva (god; see here) + jan (to beget; see here) + suffix (object+feminine) =
born to God. For gAGulI, see above.
- dhIreNa bhaTTAcAryya 14
- Probably from dhIrendra [dhIra (wise; see here) + indra (best of; see here)].
- nagena 14
- Probably from nagendra [naga [na (no) +
gam (to go; see here) = mountain]
+ indra (best of; see here) =
epithet of himAlaYa].
- nivAraNa 14
- ni (down, see here) + vR (restrain, see here) + suffix (subject) =
- padma-locana tarkAlaGkAra 6
- padma [etymology unknown,
may be related to pad (foot, to fall; see above);
lotus, lotus-shaped, red-mark] + locana (eyes; see here) = one with eyes like lotus.
For tarkAlaGkAra, see here.
- pArvatI-nAtha 8
- pArvatI (name of a goddess, see here) + nAtha (lord, see here) = epithet of shiva.
- pauSAlI gaGgopAdhyAYa 16
- pauSa [puSyA [puS (to be nourished,
thrive, prosper) + suffix = nourishment, blossom, best of, name of
an asterism of the lunar zodiac] + suffix = time when the moon is
there, month when the full moon is there] + suffix = related to
pauSa, the newly reaped crops from this month. For gaGgopAdhyAYa,
see here.
- bula-bula bhaTTAcAryya 15
- Meaning unknown; For bhaTTAcAryya, see here.
- bhagavAna-candra 8
- bhagavAna [bhaga [bhaj (to
divide, allot, grant, bestow) + suffix = gracious lord, patron,
wealth-bestower Aditya presiding over love and marriage, stars, sun,
moon, fortune, happiness, prosperity, beauty, loveliness, love,
affection, passion] + suffix = fortunate, prosperous, happy,
glorious, divine, holy, god] + candra (moon, beautiful, see here).
- bhava-nAtha caTTopAdhyAYa 1
- bhava [bhU (to become, see here) + suffix = coming into existence,
birth, origin, life, world] + nAtha (lord, see here). For caTTopAdhyAYa, see here.
- bhairava-candra 7
- bhairava [bhIru [bhI (to fear, be anxious
about) + suffix = fearful, cowardly, dreading] + suffix = frightful,
terrible, formidable, an epithet of shiva] + candra (beautiful, see here).
- mathurA-candra smRti-tIrttha 9
- mathurA [related to math (to stir, produce
fire by rubbing sticks, rub, churn, mix, mingle, shake, agitate);
name of kRSNa's birthplace] + candra (beautiful, see here).
- manu 15
- man (to perceive, see here) + suffix = thinking,
intelligent, man.
- manu-lAla 10
- manu (man, see here) +
lAla (dear, see here).
- mAkhana-lAla 10
- mAkhana (or mAkhama, butter, see here) + lAlA (dear, see here).
- mANika-lAla 10
- mANika (jewel, see here) + lala (dear, see here).
- mAdhava 3
- An epithet of kRSNa, see here
- mAnasI bhaTTAcAryya 16
- manas (mind, perception, see here) + suffix
(related+feminine) = belonging to the mind, expressed or conceived
only in the mind. For bhaTTAcAryya, see here.
- mAlA 16
- garland, see here.
- mRtyuJjaYa sArvva-bhauma 6
- Overcoming death, see here. For sArvvabhauma, see here.
- mRnmaYa cakra-varttI 16
- mRd [mRd (to press, squeeze, trample,
tread on, destroy, ravage, rub into, mingle) + suffix = earth, soil,
clay] + suffix (changed from; made of) = made of mud. For
cakravartti, see here.
- raghu-deva 3
- See here.
- ratana-lAla 10
- ratan [from ratna (jewel, see here)] + lAla (dear, see here).
- ratna-kRSNa 11
- ratna (jewel, see here) + kRSNa (name of a god, see here).
- ramA-kAnta vAcaSpati 4
- ramA (epithet of lakSmI, see here) + kAnta (beloved, see here) = epithet of viSNu. For
vAcaSpati, see here.
- rAghava 4
- An epithet of rAma, see here.
- rAma-kishora 10
- rAma (a god, see here) + kishora (youth, see here.
- rAma-gopAla kavi-rAja
cakra-varttI 2
- rAma (a
god, see here) + gopAla (an epithet
of kRSNa, see here). kavi [kU
(to sound, cry out, moan, hum) + suffix = singer, poet, insightful,
intelligent, thinker, sage] + rAja (king, see here) = king of poets, doctor. For
cakravarttI, see here.
- rAma-candra 9
- See here.
- rAmeshvara 6
- See here.
- rAmeshvara 9
- See here.
- ruNTu 16
- Meaning unknown.
- rUpaka mukhopAdhyAYa 16
- rUpa (form, beauty, see here) + suffix = having form,
figurative. For mukhopAdhyAYa, see here.
- rUpasA cakra-varttI 17
- Meaning unknown, probably related to rUpa
(beauty, see here), name of a river. For
cakravarttI, see here.
- rauNaka mukhopadhyAYa 17
- See here.
- lokanAtha 7
- loka [or uloka, probably connected with
roka [ruc (to shine, be bright, be agreeable) + suffix = brightness]
and lok (also connected to ruc above, to see, perceive, recognize) =
free or open space, room, free motion, region, country, wide space,
world, universe + nAtha (lord, see here) = an epithet of various
- viSNu-nAtha 7
- viSNu (a god, see here) + nAtha (lord, see here).
- sadA-shiva vidyA-vAgIsha 6
- always kind, see here. vidya (knowledge, see here) + vAgIsha (eloquent, see here) is a title.
- sItA-nAtha tarka-siddhAnta 7
- sItA [a complex of words is explained by
possibly artificial root sI (to draw a straight line); a furrow,
track of ploughshare, furrow personified as a goddess, goddess of
agriculture, wife of indra, wife of rAma] + nAtha (lord, see here) = rAma. tarka (debate, see here) + siddhAnta (demonstrated
conclusion, see here is a
- shaGkara 15
- An epithet of shiva, see here.
- shasha-dhara 9
- The moon, see here.
- shephAlI bhaTTAcAryya 15
- Said to be derived from shephas [probably
related to shvi (to swell, see here); male reproductive organ, male
egg sac] + ali [from alin [ala [may be related to al (to adorn); sting]
+ suffix = possessed of a sting, a black bee], a black bee]; name of a flower.
For bhaTTAcArya, see here.
- saGgItA bhaTTAcAryya 16
- See here.
- santoSa bhaTTAcAryya 15
- Satisfaction, see here. For bhaTTAcAryya, see here.
- sukha-dA 14
- sukha [sukh (to make happy) is probably a
back formation; su (good, see here) + kha [khan (to dig, excavate)
+ suffix = cavity, hole, aperture, aperture of the human body,
wound, hole in the nave of a wheel, vacuity, air, sky] = having good
axle hole, running swiftly and easily, easy, pleasant, comfortable,
happy, prosperous, ease, comfort; in some meanings may have been
confused in prAkRta with sustha [su (good, as above) + sthA (to
stand, stay) + suffix = well situated, healthy, prosperous, happy]]
+ dA (to give, see here) + suffix =
one who gives comfort.
- sundarI 15
- sundara [Though sund (to shine) exists,
probably su (good, see here) +
nara (man, see here) =
beautiful, handsome] + suffix (feminine).
- svapana 15
- From svapna [svap (to sleep, lie down, be
dead) + suffix = sleep, drowsiness, dream] or svapana [svap (to sleep,
as above) + suffix = sleeping, numbness].
- hara-nAtha 7
- See here.
- hari-prasAda 7
- See here.
- hemanta-kumAra 13
- hemanta (cold season, see here) + kumAra (youth, see here).