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I have been more diligent in including the names of the people who
are my blood relations; spouses' names are often omitted. I plan
to include them some day (and occasionally do so), but that part is
largely incomplete.
Person Index
Important: Before you try to pronounce these names, read the
note about the Bengali transliteration
used. If you are too impatient, then pronounce them as in English
except that G and J (the capitalized ones) stand for a nasal soung
like ng, and c is to be pronounced like ch. This way, what you
pronounce will possibly be recognizable at least. The pronounciation
of y (lower case) is often like j, and the combination kS is like
kkh. y, v and m without preceding vowel, r or l duplicate the previous
consonant: thus lakSmaNa is pronounced almost lakkhon. I am slowly adding
the bengali originals as well; in those cases, I use the standard form
of the name when written in English instead of the transliteration
Alphabetical (in bengali) listing of all
names appearing in the geneology of my father's side, along with their
etymology. The parenthesized number gives the generations since veda-garbha. Roughly speaking, this
gives an idea of the time someone lived.
Translation between date of birth and generation number.
Note that generation time is not realy constant, and hence knowing the
generation number gives only a very vague indication of the century
someone lived in. Thus, someone with generation number 23 may have
been born in late 17th sentury, in 18th or 19th century, or even early
20th century. In our family the lower and upper ends of the
ranges are taken rarely, thus generation 23 very likely lived in the
18th century. Also, the information before 15th century is tradition
whose veracity is questionable. See my genealogy page for a discussion.
Approximate time of birth | Generation range |
Approximate time of birth | Generation range |
Approximate time of birth | Generation range |
21st century | 25-38 |
20th century | 23-35 |
19th century | 21-31 |
18th century | 18-28 |
17th century | 16-24 |
16th century | 13-21 |
15th century | 11-17 |
14th century | 8-14 |
13th century | 6-13 |
12th century | 4-12 |
11th century | 2- 8 |
10th century | 1- 4 |
In the following I have tried to give the meanings of the names.
Most of them are derived from saMskRta (which I use loosely to
include the vedic dialects as well) and can often still be used in
Bengali as words in their own right. The pronounciation of a few
change when used as words instead of names. The order of meanings
is meant to indicate a possible evolution of the sense, so the most
common meaning, and often the only one in use in Bengali, is likely
the last in the list, not the first one. Thus, for example, even
though the list will say ‘shoka (shine,flame,burn,heat,sorrow)’,
very few people will recognize ‘shine’ as a meaning of ‘shoka’,
though they will probably recognize it in the related word ‘shukti
(pearl oyster)’. Nevertheless, early uses in the vedas or closely
related early words do attest to the meanings listed. Of course,
not all meanings of each of the words is listed, only those that
have obvious relation. Obviously, writing these notes takes a lot
of time, so I have no idea when I will finish this.
Apart from last names that appear through
marriage (Aica [evolved form of saMskRta Aditya (son of aditi [a
(not) + dA (to bind) + suffix (subject) = not bound, infinite, one
of the earliest important goddesses in the hindu pantheon] = name
of gods, sun)], ghaTaka [ghaT (to be busy with, to be intently occupied
with, to strive, to exert for, to reach, to fall to the share of,
to take effect, to suit, to be united with, to bring together, to
join) + suffix = accomplishing, procuring, match-maker],
caTTopAdhyAYa [catta (meaning and etymology unknown; used as a
name) + upadhyAYa [upa (towards, near to, by the side of, with,
under) + adhi (above, besides) + i (to walk, flow, blow, advance,
arise from, reach, undertake) + suffix = teacher], mukhopAdhyAya [mukha
(mouth, face, introduction, beginning) + upAdhyAYa (teacher, see
above)], vandyopAdhyAYa [vandya [vand (to praise, salute respectfully) +
suffix = praiseworthy, venerable] + upAdhyAYa (teacher, see
above)], rAYa [from saMskRta rAjan [rAj (to
reign, to shine) + suffix = ruler]], rAYa-caudhuri [rAYa is
from saMskRta rAjan (ruler, see above) + caudhurI is from saMskRta
caturdhurINa [catur (four) + dhurINa [dhR (hold, bear) + suffix
(subject) = fit to be harnessed, charged with, leader] = charged
with four directions].], the family has used two major last
names: bhaTTAcAryya [bhaTTa [maybe related to bhaT (to hire, nourish)
or to bhartR [bhR (to bear, carry, convey, hold, wear, possess) +
suffix = bearer, preserver, protector, chief, master]; lord,
prince, also used as name] + AcAryya [AcAra [A (near, towards) +
car (to move, go, walk, move, wander spread, behave, live, treat) +
suffix = custom] + suffix = teacher, used as a name] = used as
name, one story goes that this was originally give to those
scholars who understood the books by kumArila bhaTTa and AcAryya
dikSita], cakra-varttI [cakra [related to car (move, see above) or kR (to
do, make, perform, manufacture) or kram (to approach for
assistance, go over); wheel] + vRt (to roll) + suffix (subject) =
one who rolls everywhere, one whose chariot's wheels rolls
everywhere, emperor], and sharmmA [nominative
singular of sharman [from shri (to cause to rest on, fasten to,
turn towards, diffuse over, lean on, cling to, approach, resort to,
attain) shelter, safety, house, bliss, happiness, epithet of
brahmins]. Both these start being used in generation
numbers 20-21, i.e. in about the 17th century; even after that, it
is not clear how common the use of last names were. In the 20th
century, they were surely used, but I have usually dropped them in
this list. Note that terms like cUD.A-maNi [cuD.a
(stupid, protruberance on a sacrificial brick, the hair on top of
the head, the crest of a cock or peacock, the head) + maNi (jewel,
see below) = jewel worn on head, best],
tarka-bhUSaNa [tarka [tark (conjecture, infer, consider,
recollect) + suffix = conjecture, reasoning, inquiry, philosophy,
debate] + bhUSaNa [bhuS (to strive after, be intent on, to adorn) +
suffix = decorating, adornment, ornament]], tarka-vAgIsha [tarka
(debate, see above) + vAgIsha [vAc [vac (to speak, say, utter,
announce, recite, describe) + suffix = speech, voice, language,
sound] + Isha [Ish (to own, possess) + suffix =
possessor, master] = poet, eloquent] = eloquent in debate],
tarkAlaGkAra [tarka (debate, see above) + alaGkAra [alaGkR [alam [enough, ready; the root
al, see below, instead of its source may be a
back formation; probably related to aram [ara [R
(to go, move, rise, tend upwards, excite, raise) + suffix = swift,
speedy, spoke of a wheel] + suffix = readily, fitly, suitably, for
a reason, enough, sufficiently]] + kR (to do, make) = to make
ready, to decorate] + suffix (subject) = something that decorates,
ornament]], nyAYa-paJcAnana [nyAYa [ni (down, back, in, into, within) + i (to
walk, flow, blow, advance, arise from, reach, undertake) + suffix =
what one goes back to, original type, rule, syllogism] + paJcAnana
(see below; fierce, passionate, name of
the destroyer among the hindu trinity: shiva known for his mastery
of love and music, greatest)], nyAYa-vAgIsha [nyAYa
(syllogism, see above) + vAgIsha (eloquent, see above)],
nyAYAlaGkAra [nyAYa (syllogism, see above) + alaGkAra (ornament,
see above)], vAcaSpati [vAcas (of speech, see vAc above) + pati [pat (to be master, reign, rule, possess) +
suffix = lord, husband] = lord of speech, epithet of various
gods], vidyA-bhUSaNa [vidyA [vid (to know, understand, perceive, learn,
be acquainted with, notice, remember) + suffix = knowledge] +
bhUSaNa (ornament, see above)], vidyAlaGkAra [vidyA
(knowledge, see above) + alaGkAra (ornament, see above)],
shiro-maNi [shiras [etymology unclear; probably connected to
karaGka (skull, bone); head, skull] + maNi (jewel, see below)], sArvva-bhauma [sarvvabhUmi [sarvva [maybe connected with sAra [sR
(run, flow, speed, glide, move, go, pursue)+ suffix = course,
motion, stretching out, extention]; whole, entire, all] + bhUmi
[probably related to bhU (to become, be, arise,
exist, live); land]] + suffix (owner) = lord of the whole world,
king], siddhAnta [siddha [sidh (to be accomplished, to succeed, to
attain an end) + suffix = established] + anta (end, limit,
boundary) = aim, demonstrated conclusion, doctrine, dogma],
smRti-cUD.A-maNi [smRti [smR (to remmeber, think of) + suffix =
memory] + cUD.AmaNi (head jewel, best, see above)], and
smRti-ratna [smRti
(memory, see above) + ratna [rA (to grant,
give, yield, surrender) + suffix = gift, present, goods, wealth,
jewel]], that appear at the end of people's names are not
surnames, they are more like academic degrees or symbolic of
academic achivement rather than last names. Same was true once of
the bhaTTAcAryya as well, and cakra-varttI was a royal title, but at some
point they became hereditary: I do not know when they started being
used as last names instead of as titles.
- akhila cUD.A-maNi (28)
- a (not) + khila (gap, fallow land) = whole, the entire world.
cUD.AmaNi = best, see above.
- akhila smRti-ratna (28)
- whole, the entire world, see
above. smRtiratna = one who has excellent memory, see above.
- aGkita sharmmA (31)
- past participle of aGk (to move in a
curve, mark): marked (esp. with an auspicious sign), branded, counted,
calculated. For sharmma see above.
- ajita (32)
- a (not) + jita (conquered) = unvanquished.
- atula (30)
- a (not) + tul (raise, weigh, compare) + suffix (subject) = one
without comparison, best.
- ananta (29)
- an (not) + anta (end) = limitless, unbounded.
- anila (31)
- an (to breathe, live,
move, go) + suffix (object) = that which one breathes,
- anukUla (29)
- anu (along, following) + kUla (impediment, slope, bank) = along
the bank, according to current, favorable.
- anukUla (30)
- favourable, see above.
- anukUla (30)
- favourable, see above.
- annadA (30)
- anna [ad (to eat) + suffix (object) = food] + dA (to give) +
suffix (subject, feminine) = one who gives food, name of the
goddess of power: durgA, often identified with pArvatI.
- aparnA Aica (30)
- a (not) + parNa [related to pRR (to fill
with air, see below), maybe from a lost
pR/spR; parN (to be green) is probably a back formation; feather,
leaf] + suffix (feminine) = leafless, one who does not even eat
leaves during austerities, name of goddess of power: durgA, name
of wife pArvatI of destroyer amongst hindu trinity. For Aica, see above.
- amara
rAYa-caudhurI (32)
- a (not) + mR (to die) + suffix (subject) = immortal. For
rAYacaudhurI, see above.
- amUlya (30)
- a (not) + mUlya (being at the root, original value, price) =
- amUlya (31)
- priceless, see above.
- ambikA-caraNa
- ambikA [ambA (mother) + suffix = mother,
epithet of a variety of goddesses including pArvvatI who is wife
of the destroyer shiva amongst the trinity) + caraNa (that which
allows movement, foot) = (refuge at) the feet of
- alaka (31)
- etymology unclear: curl, lock of hair, a girl between eight and
ten years of age, inhabitant of the residence of the mythological
wealthy character kubera where also resides shiva the
- ashoka (31)
- a (not) + shoka [shuc (to shine, flame,
gleam, glow, burn, suffer a burn, be sorrowful, bewail, regret, to
meditate, to be bright and pure, to decay, to stink) + suffix =
shine, flame, burn, heat, sorrow] = one who does not give pain,
one who does not feel pain.
- asIma (31)
- a (not) + sIman (a straight line,
parting of hair, boundary, horizon) = unlimited,
- Ananda (28)
- A (near, towards, fully) + nand (to
rejoice) + suffix = rejoicing, happiness.
- AnandirAma (25)
- Anandin (as Ananda, see above; rejoicing, happiness) + rAma
[from ram (to please, see below); causing
rest, black, dark, pleasing, name of one of the most important
incarnations of the protector viSNu amongst the trinity]
= someone who takes pleasure in rAma, worshipper of rAma.
- Aloka bhaTTAcAryya
- A (near, towards, fully) + lok (to see,
behold, perceive) + suffix = looking, seeing, light. For
bhaTTAcAryya, see above.
- Ashisa rAYa-caudhurI
- Evolved from Ashis (prayer, wish, benediction). Also,
incorrectly, spelt as AshISa. For rAYa-caudhurI, see above.
- Ishvara (28)
- Isha (to own, possess, see above) + suffix = owner,
capable, master, god, often the destroyer shiva amongst the
- IshAna cakra-varttI (28)
- owner, wealthy, ruler, name of the destroyer shiva amongs the
trinity, name of the protector viSNu amongst the trinity. For
cakravartti, see above.
- uda (11)
- meaning unclear in the context. It probably derives from uda
(flowing, water), rather than from udra (living in water = crab,
- umA-shaGkara (28)
- umA (exact derivation unclear but related to weaving, flax, rays
of light, turmeric, name of daughter pArvvatI of himavat and wife
of the destroyer shiva amongst the trinity; the name was explained
by kAlidAsa as arising from u (oh) + mA (not) = ‘oh, please desist
from austerities’ which her mother used to tell her) + shaGkara
[sham (verb meaning to toil at ritual, fatigue from ritual,
finish, stop, rest, be quiet, be calm, be satisfied, be contented;
adverb meaning auspiciously, fortunately, happily, well) + kR (do)
+ suffix (subject) = one who causes prosperity, name of the
destroyer shiva amongst the trinity] = shiva and wife pArvvatI
worshipped together.
- kamala vandyopAdhyAYa
- kam (to love, desire) + suffix =
desired, pale red, orange, lotus, wealth; also explained as kam
(definitely, well, head, food, water, happiness) + al (to adorn,
be competent; see above) + suffix = lotus,
goddess lakSmI of wealth sitting
on the lotus. For vandyopAdhyAYa, see
- kamalA-kaanta (25)
- kamalA [kamala (lotus, wealth, see above) + suffix (feminine) = name of
goddess of wealth lakSmI who sits on a lotus] + kAnta [kam (to
love, desire) + suffix = desired, loved] = epithet of the
protector viSNu amongs the trinity.
- kAnti (31)
- desire, wish, loveliness, beauty.
- kArttika (30)
- kRttikA (probably something that cuts, name of the constellation
represented as a kind of razor consisting of the six stars of
pleiadis mythologized as nymphs eho nursed the god kArttikeya of
war) + suffix (son) = month when full moon is in pleadis, the god
of war also called skanda who is son of shiva and durgA, young
- kArttika (30)
- god of war, young man, see above.
- kAlAcÃda
- kAlA from saMskRta kAla (doubtful etymology; dark colour, black,
epthet of kRSNa who is an incarnation of viSNu) + cÃda from
saMskRta candra (glittering, having the colour or brilliance of
light as an epithet for god or water, moon, the most excellent
amongst, beautiful) = epithet of kRSNa who is an incarnation of
- kAli-dAsa (27)
- kAlI [kAla (black) + suffix (feminine) = goddess of destruction,
also identified as durgA] + dAsa (one who hurts, fiend, demon,
savage, infidel, slave, servant) = servant or worshipper of
- kAlI-kumAra
- kAlI (a goddess, see above) + kumAra [doubtful
etymology; might have something to do with dying easily or wished
for, child, boy, youth] = son of kAlI, epithet of the god kArttika
of war.
- kAlI-kumAra (30)
- son of kAlI, god of war, see above
- kAlI-caraNa (24)
- kAlI (name of goddess, see above) + caraNa
(feet, see above) = (refuge at) kAlI's
- kAlI-caraNa (25)
- kAlI's feet (see above).
- kAlI-caraNa (27)
- kAlI's feet (see above).
- kAlI-prasanna
- kAlI (name of goddess, see above) + prasanna
[pra-sad [pra (forward, in front, on, forth,
excessively) + sad (to sit down, to sink down, to despair) =
meaning to fall into power of, to settle down, to grow clear and
bright, to become distinct, to become satisfied or pleased, to be
gracious] + suffix = clear, bright, pure,
distinct, true, right, correct, placid, tranquil, soothed,
pleased, gracious) = by the grace of kAlI.
- kAlI-prasanna (29)
- By the grace of kAlI (see above).
- kAlI-prasanna (30)
- By the grace of kAlI (see above).
- kAlI-prasAda (29)
- kAlI (a goddess, see
above) + prasAda (from same root as prasanna, clearness, brightness, purity,
calmness, graciousness, kindness, favour, aid, free gift, remnants
of food presented to idol or teacher) = by the grace of
- kAlI-mohana (29)
- kAlI (a goddess, see above) + mohana
(depriving of consciousness, bewildering, infatuating, pleasing) = lover of
- kAsha cakravarttI (23)
- becoming visible, a kind of grass personified with kusha as an
attendant of god yama of death, name of a mythological prince who
was son of suhotra and father of kAshirAja. For cakravarttI, see above.
- kAshI (28)
- coud be be from kAshi (becoming visible, bright, name of a
mythological character who became ruler of kAshI), name of a holy
- kAshI-candra (27)
- kAshi (name of a town, see above) + candra
(moon, best, beautiful, see above).
- kAshI-nAtha
tarka-bhUSaNa (26)
- kAshi (name of a town, see above) + nAtha
(refuge, help, protector, owner, lord). For tarka-bhUSaNa, see above.
- kRshANu anIka rAYa (32)
- kRshANu more common, but also spelt
kRSAnu which seems etymologically coorect from kRS (to draw, drag,
tear, lead, bend, overpower, drag making furrows, plough):
drawing, bending the bow, an archer, name of the mythological
character who protects soma, name of agni, fire. anIka: from an
(see above) face, appearance, splendour, edge,
point, front, row, array, march, army, war. For rAYa, see above.
- kRSNa-kiGkana
sArvvabhauma (26)
- kRSNa (etymology unclear; means black, dark, dark blue, name of a
Angirasa poet of the Rg veda, name of one of the most important
incarnations of protector viSNu amongst the trinity) + kiGkana
(from kiGkara? [kim (question, what kind of, bad) + kR (to do) +
suffix (subject) = slave]) = worshipper of kRSNa. For
sArvvabhauma, here.
- kRSNa-candra (23)
- kRSNa (black, a god, see above) + candra
(moon, best, beautiful, see above)
- kRSNa-dAsa
- kRSNa (a god, see above) + dasa (servant, see above) = worshipper of kRSNa.
- kRSNa-dAsa nyAYa-vAgIsha (21)
- worshipper of kRSNa, see above. For
nyAYa-vAgIsha, see above.
- kRSNa-dAsa (24)
- worshipper of kRSNa, see above
- kRSNa-dAsa (24)
- worshipper of kRSNa, see above
- kRSNa-dAsa (25)
- worshipper of kRSNa, see above
- kRSNa-dAsa (27)
- worshipper of kRSNa, see above
- kRSNa-deva
nyAYa-vAgIsha (21)
- kRSNa (a god, see
above) + deva [div [div/dIv (two meanings which look
unrelated; to cast, throw, gamble, wager, play, joke, trifle, have
free scope, spread, increase, praise, rejoice, be drunk, sleep,
wish; to shine, be bright) + suffix = day, bright, heavens, fire]
+ suffix = heavenly, bright, god] = one whose god is kRSNa,
worshipper of krSNA. For nyAYa-vAgIsha, see
- kRSNa-deva nyAYa-vAgIsha (24)
- see above
- kRSNa-dvaipAYana (31)
- kRSNa (black, see above) + dvaipAYana [dvIpa
[dvi (two) + ap (water) = surrounded by water on two sides =
island, peninsula, sandbank] + suffix (son of) = born on an
island; epithet of vyAsa who is supposed to be the one who split
the vedas into their current form and who is supposed to have
written the mahAbhArata] = black islander, epither of vyAsa.
- kRSNa-nAtha (24)
- kRSNa (a god, see above) + nAtha (lord, see above) = one whose lord is kRSNa, worshipper
of kRSNa.
- kRSNa-bhadra (26)
- kRSNa (a god, see above) + bhadra (greeted
with praise, blessed, auspicious, fortunate, prosperous, happy,
friendly, kind, beautiful, skillful, epithet of various gods and
other supernatural entities) = blessed by kRSNa.
- kRSNa-mohana (27)
- kRSNa (a god, see above) + mohana
(infatuating, see above) = lover of
- kRSNa-rAma nyAYAlaGkAra (22)
- kRSNa (a god, see above) + rAma (a god, see above) = kRSNa and rAma. For nyAYAlaGkAra, see above.
- kedAra-nAtha (27)
- kedAra [possibly from ka (epithet of various gods, bright,
shining, water) + dAra (tearing up, rending, rent, cleft, hole) =
field or meadow especially under water, basin of water around root
of tree, mountain, name of a specific mountain] + nAtha (lord, see above) = lord of kedAra, an epithet of the
destroyer shiva amongst the trinity whose home is said to be in
- KedAreshvara (29)
- kedAra (name of a mountain, see above) +
Ishvara (master, see above) = an epithet of
shiva, see above.
- KeSTa (31)
- evolved from kRSNa, name of a god.
- KomalAGga (4)
- komala [etymology unclear, probably from ku (how, bad) + mlai
(fade); tender, soft, bland, sweet, pleasing] + aGga [related to
root meaning to be sick, to be dangerous, to fix, to render firm,
to serve or honour, to go towards; a limb of the body, the body, a
part or subdivision] = one with tender body.
- khushI (30)
- Also spelt khushi, happy, from a fArsI word.
- gagana (29)
- Maybe related to root meaning count; Atmosphere, sky,
- gaGgA-dhara (23)
- gaGgA (swift-goer, name of a holy river) + dhR (to hold, to bear,
to carry) + suffix (subject) = one who holds the gaGgA, epithet of
the destroyer shiva amongst the trinity.
- gaGgA-nArAYaNa
- gaGgA (name of a holy river, see above) +
nArAYaNa [nara (originally maybe a form nR which means the same;
man, hero, person, mankind, male, husband) + suffix (son of) = son
of the first man, epithet of brahma and a number of other gods,
name of the protector viSNu amongst the trinity.]
- gaGgA-rAma (23)
- gaGgA (name of a holy river, see above) +
rAma (a god, see above)
- gaGgA-sAgara (27)
- gaGgA (name of a holy river, see above) +
sAgara [sagara [a number of separate words; sa [related to saha
[may be related to of sadha = sa [related to saM (with, together
with) or sama [even, smooth, flat, parallel, any, every, same,
equal; related to samAna (or else this is from sa + mAna [mA (to
measure, mark off, to correspond in measure) + suffix = measure];
equal]; conjunction, union, thoroughness] + dhA (to put, place) =
equally placed, together with]; with] + gR (to moisten) + suffix
= with moisture, atmosphere; sa + gRR (to call out, to announce,
to mention with praise) + suffix = with praise; sa + gRR (to eat,
to swallow) + suffix = poisonous; name of some gods and
myhtological kings] + suffix = ocean] = name of the holy spot
where the gaGgA enters the sea.
- gAu shiva-nAmA
- gAu (unknown meaning). shiva [from root shI (to lie, to recline,
to repose) or from shvi/shU (to swell, grow; as in child growing
in womb) = dear, friendly, benevolent, propitious, auspicious,
name of the destroyer amongst the trinity] + nAman [etymology
unclear; maybe related to jJA (to know, become aquainted with) or
man/mnA (to think, to believe); characteristic mark, name] +
- gunendra
bhaTTAcAryya (29)
- guNa [grabh/grah (to seize, take, pluck) + suffix = rope,
string, thread, single strand, multiplier, species or kind,
subsidiary element, attributes of the elements (e.g. sound for
ether; tangiblity and sound for air; shape and colour for fire;
flavour, shape, tangiblity and sound for water; and all the
preceding and smell for eath), attributes of all living beings
(i.e. sattva, rajas, tamas), a property of created things,
quality, good quality, virtue, merit, excellence] + indra
[probably connected with inv (to advance upon, drive, to infuse
strength, to gladden, to force, to drive away, to take possession
of, to be lord or master) and ind/und [to drop; the claimed
meaning to be powerful is unattested except in grammatical texts;
origin of the word indu (a drop, a drop of soma, a bright drop,
the moon, a point)]; subduer, conqueror, name of the god of
atmosphere and sky and rain who is the king of gods, supreme
being, best of] = having excellent qualities. For bhaTTAcAryya, see above.
- guru-caraNa shiro-maNi
- guru (heavy, weighty, violent, difficult, important,
momentous, valuable, proud, respectable, preceptor, teacher) +
caraNa (feet, see above) = (refuge at) the
teacher's feet.
- gopAla (29)
- go (cattle) + pAla [pA (to protect) + causative + suffix =
guard] = cowherd, king (earth is the milk giving cow of the
kings), epithet of the god kRSNa.
- gopAla (29)
- Epithet of god kRSNa (see above)
- gopAla-candra (27)
- gopAla (Epithet of god kRSNa, see above)
+ candra (moon, beautiful, see above).
- gopI-kAnta (26)
- gopI [go (cattle) + pA (to protect) + suffix(subject,
feminine) = cowherd, milkmaid] + kAnta (desired, loved, see above) = lover of the milmaids, an epthet of
god kRSNa.
- gopI-nAtha
cakra-varttI (20)
- gopI (milkmaid, see above) + nAtha (lord,
see above) = an epithet of god kRSNa. For
cakravarttI, see above.
- gopI-nAtha tarka-vAgIsha (26)
- an epithet of kRSNa, see above. For
tarkavAgIsha, see above.
- gopI-nAtha (28)
- an epithet of kRSNa, see above.
- govinda
- go (cattle) + vid (to know, to discover, to obtain, to
acquire, to possess) + suffix = acquirer of cattle, epithet of
kRSNa. Has also been explained as a form of gopendra [gopa [go
(cow) + pA (to protect) + suffix (subject) = cowherd] + indra
(best of, see above) = chief amongs the
cowherds, and epithet of kRSNa].
- govinda (24)
- An epithet of kRSNa, see above.
- govinda (28)
- An epithet of kRSNa, see above.
- govinda (28)
- An epithet of kRSNa, see above.
- gautama Aica (31)
- gotama [go (ox, cattle) + suffix (most) = the largest amongst
the oxen, the most valuable, name of one of the Rshis (poets) in
the Rgveda, name of a disciple of mahAvIra, name of a few other
Rshis and other important personages] + suffix (son of) =
descendant of gotama, name of number of important personages
including buddha. For Aica, see
- gaurI-nAtha
- gaurI [gaura (shining, brilliant,
yellowish, buffalo, white) + suffix (feminine) = white, epithet of
pArvatI] + nAtha (lord, see above) = husband
of pArvatI, an epithet of shiva. For tarkavAgIsha, see above.
- candra-kAnta (31)
- candra (moon, see
above) + kAnta (desired, loved, see
above) = lovely as the moon, loved by the moon, name of a
- candra-kumAra (31)
- candra (moon, see
above) + kumAra (son, see above) =
son of the moon.
- candra-shekhara
- candra (moon, see
above) + shekhara [shikhara [shikhA [shi (two separate words; to grant,
to bestow; to sharpen) + suffix = a tuft of hair, a crest] +
suffix = pointed, crested, peak] + suffix = the top or the crown
of the head] = one who has moon on the head, epithet of shiva,
name of a number of historical and mythological characters.
- candra-shekhara vAcaSpati (24)
- epithet of shiva, see above. For vAcaSpati, see above.
- cÃda bhaTTAcAryya (23)
- Moon, see above.
For bhaTTAcAryya, see above.
- cunI gopAla bhaTTAcAryya
- Also spelt cuni, from Hindi cunnI from
saMskRta shoNI [shoN (to become red) + suffix], a kind of
jewel. For gopAla, see above. For
bhaTTAcAryya, see above.
- chakAi (23)
- meaning unknown.
- jagadIsha (31)
- jagat (moving, movable, people, people
and animals, the world) + Isha (possessor, master, see above) = lord of the
world, god.
- jagannAtha (22)
- jagat (world, see
above) + nAtha (lord, see above) = lord
of the world, a form of viSNu.
- jagannAtha (31)
- name of a god, see
- janamejaYa
- janam [accusative of jana [jan (to
generate, to beget) + suffix = generating, creature, living being,
man, person, race, people]] + ej (to stir, to move, to tremble, to
shake) + suffix (causative) + suffix (subject) = one who causes
men to shake, name of a mythological king.
- janArddana
vidyAlaGkAra (25)
- jana (people, see
above) + ard (to move, to be moved, to be scatterred, to
agitate, to distress, to hurt) + suffix (subject) = one who
agitates people, epithet of viSNu. For vidyAlaGkAra, see above.
- janArddana (31)
- an epithet of viSNu, see above.
- jaYa ghaTaka (33)
- conquest. For ghaTaka, see above.
- jaYa-kRSNa (23)
- jaYa (winning, conquest) + kRSNa (name
of a god, see above).
- jaYa-deva (24)
- jaYa (winning, conquest) + deva (god, see above) = name of a poet.
- jaYa-nArAYaNa (25)
- jaYa (winning, conquest) + nArAYaNa (an
epithet of viSNu, see above).
- jaYanta (31)
- victorious, name of various mythological
characters, birth moment of kRSNa.
- jaYa-rAma cakra-varttI (21)
- jaYa (winning, conquest) + rAma (a god,
see above). For cakravarttI, see above.
- jIvana (30)
- jIv (to live, be, restore to life,
nourish) + suffix = vivifying, life.
- ThAkura (32)
- evolved from late saMskRta Thakkura
(object of reverence, god, chief, man of rank) of unknown
- tanmaYa
bhaTTAcAryya (31)
- tad (that) + suffix = made up of that,
absorbed in or identical with that, someone who is concentrating.
For bhaTTAcAryya, see above.
- tAraka (29)
- tRR (to pass across or over, sail
across, surpass, overcome, subdue, esape, float, save) + suffix
(subject) = carrying across, rescuing, liberating, boatman,
- tilaka-candra vidyA-bhUSaNa
- tilaka [from tila [related to root til
(to annoint) but otherwise unknown in origin; sesame, sesame
seed]; freckle like a sesame seed, skin eruption, mark on the
forehead] + candra (moon, see above) = one for
whom the moon is a mark on the forehead, epithet of shiva. For
vidyAbhUSaNa, see above.
- darpa-nArAYaNa (25)
- darpa [from dRp (to be mad or foolish,
to rave, to be extravagant or wild, to be arrogant or proud) +
suffix = pride, arrogance] + nArAYaNa (name of a god, see above).
- dAmodara (15)
- dAman [dA (to bind) + suffix = string,
cord, rope, fetter, wreath] + udara [related to dRR (to burst,
break asunder, split open, rend) or ud (see
above) + R (see above); bowels, belly,
abdomen, stomach, cavity, hollow] = one with rope around the
waist, an epithet of kRSna.
- dIna-nAtha (29)
- dIna [dI (decay, perish) + suffix =
scarce, scanty, depressed, affected, timid, sad, miserable,
wretched] + nAtha (lord, see above) = lord of
the poor, god.
- dIna-bandhu (29)
- dIna (wretched, see
above) + bandhu [bandh (to bind, tie, fetter, catch, hold
captive, join, unite) + suffix = connection, relation,
association, kinship, kindred] = relative of the poor,
- durgA-caraNa
- durgA [dur/dus [may be related to duS
(to become bad or corrupted, to be defiled or impure, to be
ruined, perish, to sin, to commit a fault, to be wrong); means
evil, bad, difficult, hard] + gam (to go, to go towards) + suffix
(object, feminine) = difficult to approach or access, name of a
goddess] + caraNa (feet, see above) =
(refuge at) durga's feet.
- devatoSa (30)
- deva (god, see
above) + tuS (to become calm, to be satidfied, to be pleased,
to satisfy, to please) + suffix = by or for the pleasure of
- devAshisa rAYa-caudhurI (32)
- deva (god, see
above) + Ashisa/AshISa (benediction, see
above) = by the grace of god. For rAYacaudhurI, see above.
- devI-caraNa (28)
- devI [deva (god, see above) + suffix (feminine) = goddess] +
carana (feet, see above) = (refuge at) the
feet of the goddess.
- devendra (29)
- deva (god, see
above) + indra (best of, see above) =
best amongst the gods.
- dulAla vandyopAdhyAYa (31)
- etymology unknown; related to hindi
dulAr (love, loved) means an adorable son. For vandyopAdhyAYa, see above.
- dolu (31)
- meaning unknown, it is the shortened form
of something
- dhana (10)
- dhan (to cause to run) + suffix = reason
for running (match), prize, booty, valued object, wealth, movable property,
money, treasure.
- dhanaai (23)
- meaning unknown.
- nakula (29)
- etymology unclear; claimed to be from na
(not) + kula (a herd, troop, assemblage, race, family, community,
tribe); early usage referring to a colour (of a mongoose?) and to
a mongoose; the name is very old referring to vedic poets and
mythological characters.
- nanI gopAla
bhaTTAcAryya (30)
- Also nani. From samskRta
navanI/navanIta [nava [probably related to nu (now, still, just,
at once, indeed, certainly); new, fresh, young, recent, modern] +
nIta [etymology unclear; probably related to tIv/nIv/pIv/pI [to be
fat, related to pyai (to overflow, to fill)]] = freshly made
butter, soft]. For gopAla, see above. For
bhaTTAcAryya, see above.
- nandarAma (23)
- nanda (joy, delight, happiness, name of
a mythological character) + rAma (pleasing, see
above) = pleasing to nanda, possibly an epithet of
- nandarAma (24)
- see
- nanda-kishora (24)
- nanda (name of a character, see above) + kishora
(etymology unclear; a colt, a youth) = son of nanda, epithet of
- nalinI (29)
- Ultimately from nala [may
be related to nal (to bind, to smell); species of reed, a kind
of perfume or red arsenic, lotus flower]; maybe through nalIna
[like a reed in having a hollow stalk, lotus]; lotus.
- nava-kumAra (26)
- nava (new, see
above) + kumAra (son, see
- nava-kRSNa (28)
- nava (new, see
above) + kRSNa (name of a god, see
above) = young kRSNa?.
- nava-kRSNa (28)
- see
- nikuJja (30)
- ni (down, back, in, into, within) + kuJja
[kuJj [probably related to kUj (to make inarticulate or monotonous
sound, sound of birds); to murmur] + suffix = place overrun with
plants or creepers] = thicket, a space surrounded by
- nimAi (24)
- Probably from nima [evolved from nimba
(etymology unclear, name of a bitter fruit or the tree, bitter)] +
suffix = someone so bitter that even death won't take
- niraJjana (30)
- nir/nis (out, forth, away, without, free
from) + aJjana [aJj (to apply an ointment or pigment, anoint,
decorate, honour, celebrate, make clear) + suffix] = unpainted,
spotless, pure, simple, emotionless, epithet of shiva.
- niYati vandyopAdhyAYa (31)
- niYam [ni (down, back, in, into, within)
+ yam (to sustain, hold up, raise, extend, stretch out, hold back)
= hold back, detain, stop, stay, remain, to bring near, to bestow,
to hold in, to keep down, to restrain, to control, to govern, to
regulate] + suffix = held back, tied to, put together,
restriction, the fixed order of things, necessity, destiny, fate.
For vandyopAdhyAYa, see
- nishi-kAnta (31)
- nishi [nish [etymology unclear; maybe
related to nak/nakta which means the same; probably not related to
shI (to lie down, rest, sleep, go to bed with); night] + suffix
(locative) = at night] + kAnta (desired, loved, see above) = moon?
- netya (30)
- shortened form of something; probably
evolved from a word beginning with nitya [possibly from ni (down,
back, in, into); innate, native, own, continual, perpetual,
eternal] or from a word beginning with nRtya (dance,
- ? paJcAnana
- paJcan [traditionally derived from
pac/paJc (to spread); amount of spread palm i.e. five] + Anana
[Ana [an (to breathe, gasp, live) + suffix = nose, face] + suffix
= face, mouth] = five-faced, fierce, epithet of shiva.
- pavitra (30)
- pU (to clean, to purify, to sift, to
discriminate, to think out, to purify oneself, to become clear, to
become bright) + suffix = means of purification, filter, strainer,
pure, holy, sacred.
- pArvvati (28)
- parvata [Etymology unclear; maybe
related to parvan [etymology unclear; parv/pUrv/marv related to
pRR (to be complete, see below); knot, joint,
limb, member, break, pause, division, a
period of fixed time, the moment of sun's entering a new sign, a
festival, holiday]; mountain] + suffix (son of, feminine) =
daughter of the mountain, mountain stream, epithet of the the
goddess wife of shiva.
- pItAmbara (26)
- pIta [pi/pI/pIv [related to pyai(to
overflow, to fill); to swell, overflow, be exuberant, grow,
fatten] + suffix = colour of butter?, yellow] + ambara [etymology
unclear; amb is to go or to sound; circumference, compass,
neighbourhood, clothes, cotton, sky, atmosphere] = dressed in
yellow clothes, dancer or actor, holy man, epithet of
- puruSottama
- puruSa [maybe related to pRR (to be
complete, see below); man, male,
human being, person, primeaval man] + uttama [ud [maybe related to
root ud (to flow out, to wet); out, from, apart, up, over, above]
+ suffix (superlative) = uppermost, highest, chief, first, best] =
best of men, best of servants, the supreme being, epithet of
- pUrNa (29)
- Related to pRR (to fill one's self, to
blow into, to sate, to bestow, to fulfill, to satisfy, to be
complete, to fill, to cover completely); filled, full.
- pRthvI-dhara
- pRthvI [pRthu [pRth/prath (to spread,
extend, become larger, to spread abroad) + suffix = wide,
spacious, large, manifold, a mythological character] + suffix
(feminine) = broad and extended one, the earth] + dhR [to hold,
bear, carry, maintain, possess, use] = one who holds the
- prasanna (28)
- pleased, see
- prANa-nAtha (25)
- prANa [pra (forward, in front, on, forth,
excessively) + an (to breathe, gasp, live) + suffix = the breath
of life, spirit, vitality, life] + nAtha (lord, see above) = lord of life, husband, lover,
epithet of the god of death.
- prItama Aica (31)
- Probably related to priYatama [from
priya [beloved, see below] +
superlative suffix = most loved]. For Aica, see above.
- preraNA Aica (32)
- prer/preraYa [prer [pra (forward, in
front, on, forth, excessively) + Ir (to go, move, rise, retire,
agitate, elevate, excite, bring to life) = move, come forth,
arise, appear] + suffix (causative) = to cause to move, push on,
drive forward, urge, to raise the voice, pronounce] + suffix =
driving out, setting in motion, urging, inciting, direction,
impelling, motivation. For Aica, see
- phaNI gopAla bhaTTAcAryya
- phaNa/phaNA [phaN (to bound, to skim, to
go, to move) + suffix = scum, froth, nostril, broad side of nose,
expanded hood of a serpent] + suffix = serpent. For gopAla, see above. For bhaTTAcAryya, see above.
- bala-rAma (22)
- bala [bal (to live, breathe, hurt,
nourish) + suffix = vigour, force, power, strength] + rAma
(pleasing, see above) = name of kRSNa's older
brother, an incarnation of viSNu.
- bala-rAma tarka-bhUSaNa (25)
- see
above. For tarkabhUSaNa, see
- bala-rAma (28)
- see
- bAu
mukunda-paNDita (18)
- bAu meaning unknown. mukunda [etymology
unknown; explained as muku (freedom) + dA (to give) + suffix =
epithet of viSNu] + paNDita [ paNDA (etymology unclear; wisdom,
knowledge, learning) + suffix = learned, wise,
shrewd, clever, conversant with, scholar, learned man, teacher,
- bobaa (28)
- etymology unknown; dumb
- bharata (25)
- bhR [to bear, carry, hold, contain,
possess, support, bring, offer, fill] + suffix = to be or being
maintained (epithet of god agni of fire), name of the legendary
monarch of India.
- maNi gopAla
bhaTTAcAryya (30)
- jewel, gem, pearl, ornament, the fleshy
part of a goat's neck, the hump (of a camel). For gopAla, see above. For bhaTTAcAryya, see above.
- maNi-candra (29)
- maNi (jewel, see
above) + candra (moon, best, see
- mati-lAla (28)
- mati [man (to think, meditate upon,
perceive, comprehend, see below) +
suffix = devotion, prayer, worship, sacred utterance, thought,
design, intention, desire, intelligence] + lAla [etymology
unknown; related to lal=laD (to play, sport, loll the tongue) and
to a root for ‘red’ found in many north Indian languages and fArsI
lAl (lotus coloured); rearing, child].
- madana-mohana (29)
- madana [mada [mad (to rejoice, to be drunk, to
enjoy heavenly bliss, to boil, to bubble, to gladden, to animate,
to inspire; related indo-european words seem to have as original
meaning to be moist) + suffix = hilarity, rapture, excitement,
inspiration, intoxication, ardent passion, sexual desire] + suffix
= passion, love, spring, bee, god of love] + mohana (infatuating,
see above).
- madhu-sUdana
- madhu (sweet, delicious, pleasant,
charming, intoxicating, the soma juice, honey, milk, milk product,
nectar, name of a demon) + sUdana [sUd [maybe related to svad
(taste well, cook); to keep in order, manage, prepare, contrive,
settle, put an end to, kill] + suffix = putting in order, guiding,
killing] = killer of the demon madhu, epithet of
- madhu-sUdana (28)
- epithet of kRSNa, see above.
- manoraJjana
- manas [man (to think, believe, imagine,
hope, meditate upon, perceieve, comprehend) + suffix = mind,
intellect, perception, sense] + raJjana [raJj (to be coloured, to
redden,to glow, to be affected, to be excited, to be glad, to be
charmed, to fall in love) + suffix = colouring, dyeing, pleasing,
- maGgala (28)
- claimed to be related to maGg (to go,
move) or maGk (to move, to adorn); happiness, welfare, bliss,
lucky, benediction, auspicious.
- maGgalAchAryya
- maGgala (auspicious, see above) + AcAryya (teacher,
see above).
- mahAdeva (23)
- mahat [mah (to elate, gladden, exalt,
excite, magnify, esteem, revere) + suffix (past particliple) =
great] + deva (god, see above) = great
god, epithet of shiva.
- mahAdeva tarka-bhUSaNa (28)
- Epithet of shiva (see above). For tarkabhUSaNa, see above.
- mahAshvetA roshani rAYa (32)
- mahAshvetA: mahat (great, see above) + shveta [from shvit (to be
white) = white] + suffix (feminine) = of dazzling whiteness,
sugar, name of various plants and goddesses including durgA or
sarasvatI; roshani: light, brightness; from
fArsI. For rAYa, see above.
- maheshvara nyAYalaGkAra (22)
- mahat (great, see
above) + Ishvara (master, see above) =
great master, an epithet of shiva.
- mAkhama (30)
- Evolved from mrakSaNa [mrakS (to rub,
stroke, curry, smear, accumulate) + suffix = rubbing in, aointing,
ointment, oil]; now means butter; soft as butter.
- mAGgalI (7)
- From maGgala (auspicious, see above).
- mAdhava (24)
- madhu (honey, name of a demon, see above) + suffix = vernal, an epithet
of kRSNa.
- mAdhava-candra siddhAnta (26)
- mAdhava (an epithet of kRSNa, see above) + candra (moon, beautiful, best, see above). For siddhAnta, see
- mAdhAi (32)
- A pet name for mAdhava (an epithet of
kRSNa, see above).
- mAnika (30)
- From saMskRta mANikya [maNi (jewel, see above) + suffix = ruby]; loved
- mAlA rAYa-caudhuri (32)
- Etymology unclear; Said to be mA (not)
+ lA (to take, receive) + suffix; mAla is name of a place
west/south-west of Bengal and tribe therein; a wreath, garland,
crown, a string of beads, necklace, rosary. For rAYacaudhurI, see above.
- mitAli sharmmA (32)
- from mitA [from mitra (friend, see below) + feminine suffix] + abstract suffix =
friendship. For sharmmA, see above
- mukunda (24)
- An epithet of viSNu, see above.
- murAri (31)
- mura [mur [may be related to mR (to
die); slayer, destroyer, enemy] + suffix = name of a demon] + ari
[a (not) + rA (to yield, see above) + suffix;
not liberal, envious, hostile, enemy] = enemy of mura, a name of
- mRtyuJjaya (27)
- mRtyum [mR (to die) + suffix
(action+object) = death] + ji (to overcome, see
below) + suffix = overcoming death.
- mohana bhaTTAcAryya (28)
- Pleasing, see
above. For bhaTTAcAryya, see
- yAminI (29)
- yAma [yA (to go, proceed, move, advance,
journey) + suffix = motion, course, progress, a period of time
equal to three hours, night watch] + suffix = a succession of
watches, night.
- yugala-kishora siddhAnta (27)
- yugala [yuga [yuj [maybe related to yu
(to yoke, join,, fasten, harness, bind, hold, push, give, worship);
to yoke, join, fasten, harness, prepare, arrange, offer,
sacrifice] + suffix = a yoke, team, pair, couple] + suffix = a
pair, couple] + kishora (youth, see above).
For siddhAnta, see above.
- raghu-deva tarkAlaGkAra
- raghu [raMh/raGgh (to hasten, speed,
flow) + suffix = hastening, speeding, light, name of a
mythological king in whose line the incarnation rAma of viSNu was
born] + deva (god, see above) = an
epithet of rAma. For tarkAlaGkAra, see
- raghu-nAtha sArvva-bhauma
- raghu (name of an ancestor of rAma, see above) + nAtha (lord, see
above) = an epithet of rAma. For sArvvabhauma, see above.
- raghu-pati (24)
- raghu (name of an ancestor of rAma, see above) + pati (lord, see
above) = an epithet of rAma.
- raghu-pati (25)
- An epithet of rAma, see above.
- raghu-rAma (24)
- raghu (name of an ancestor of rAma, see above) + rAma (name of an incarnation of
viSNu, see above) = rAma of the raghu family,
an epithet of rAma.
- raghUttama (25)
- raghu (name of an ancestor of rAma, see above) + uttama (the greatest, see above) = an epithet of rAma.
- rajanI (29)
- raJj (to be dyed or coloured, to redden,
glow red, to be affected or charmed, to fall in love with, to
colour, to paint) + suffix = the coloured one, the dark one,
- raNajita (31)
- From saMskRta raNajit [raNa [raN
[related to ram (see below); to rejoice,
delight, cheer, sound, ring] + suffix = delight, pleasure, joy, an
object of delight, war, conflict] + ji (to conquer, see below) + suffix = conqueror].
- raNajita (31)
- conqueror, see
- raNendra-nAtha vandyopAdhyAYa
- raNendra [raNa (battle, see above) + indra (best, see above) = conqueror] + nAtha (lord, see above). For vandyopAdhyAYa, see above.
- rati-kAnta
- rati [ram (to stop, calm, delight,
enjoy carnally, be glad) + suffix = rest, pleasure, fondness,
sexual passion or union] + kAnta (desired, loved, see above).
- rati-rAma vAcaSpati
- rati (delight, see
above) + rAma (pleasing, see above). For
vAcaSpati, see above.
- rati-rAma (26)
- see
- ratna-garbha
- ratna (jewel, see
above) + garbha [also said to be related to gRR (to swallow);
grabh/grah (to seize, take, imprison, overpower, claim, win,
gather, perceive, marry, coneive) + suffix = womb, interior,
core, offspring, offspring of the sky referring to fogs and
vapour] = filled with precious stones, ocean.
- ratneshvara (22)
- ratna (jewel, see
above) + Ishvara (master, see
- ramesha (28)
- ramA [ram (to please, see above) + suffix = pleasing, wife, name of the
goddess laKSmI of wealth] + Isha (possessor, master, see above) = husband of
ramA, an epithet of viSNu.
- rashmi-kara (9)
- rashmi [etymology unclear, seems like a
root rash might have existed; related to rashanA (rope, cord,
strap, rein, girdle, ray of light); string, rope, cord, bridle,
leash, goad, whip, measuring cord, ray of light, splendour] + kR
(to do) + suffix = maker of light, the sun.
- rasika (28)
- ras (to taste, relish, feel,
perceive) + suffix = tasteful, elegant, aesthetic, sentimental,
fanciful, lustful.
- rasika bhaTTAcAryya (29)
- aesthetic. see
above. For bhaTTAcAryya, see
- rAghava
- raghu (an ancestor of rAma, see above) + suffix (son of) = an epithet of
- rAghava (24)
- an epithet of rAma, see above.
- rAja-kishora
sArvva-bhauma (24)
- rAjan (king, see
above) + kishora (son, see
above). For sArvvabhauma, see
- rAja-kishora (27)
- prince, see
- rAja-kRSNa (28)
- rAjan (king, see
above) + kRSNa (name of a god, see
- rAja-candra
tarkAlaGkAra (26)
- rAjan (king, see
above) + candra (best, see above). For
tarkAlaGkAra, see above.
- rAja-candra (28)
- see
- rAjA-rAma (24)
- rAjan (king, see
above) + rAma (name of a god, see
- rAjA-rAma (25)
- see
- rAdhAi (23)
- A short form of a name starting with
rAdhA, see below.
- rAdhA-kAnta (24)
- rAdhA [rAdh [related to Rdh [related to
vRdh (to increase, augment, strengthen, prosper, thrive, elevate,
cheer, exhilarate, grow); to grow, increase, prosper, succeed] to
succeed, to be accomplished, to be finished, be successful,
thrive, prosper, to be ready for, submit, propitiate, gratify] +
suffix = prosperity, success, name of a mythological cowherdess] +
kAnta (desired, loved, see above) = lover of
rAdhA, an epithet of kRSNa.
- rAdhA-nAtha (29)
- rAdhA (name of a person, see above) + nAtha (lord, see
above) = lord of rAdhA, an epithet of kRSNa.
- rAma (10)
- Name of a god, see
- rAma (22)
- Name of a god, see
- rAma (25)
- Name of a god, see
- rAma-kAnta (24)
- rAma (name of a god, see
above) + kAnta (desired, loved, see
- rAma-kAnAi vAcaSpati (28)
- rAma (name of a god, see
above) + kAnAi [from saMskRta kRSNa (name of a god, see above)].
- rAma-kishora (25)
- rAma (name of a god, see
above) + kishora (youth, see
- rAma-kRSNa paJcAnana
bhaTTAcAryya (21)
- rAma (name of a god, see
above) + kRSNa (name of a god, see
above). paJcAnana = name of a god, see
above. For bhaTTAcAryya, see
- rAma-kRSNa (25)
- see
- rAma-kRSNa (31)
- see
- rAma-kRSNa (31)
- see
- rAma-kumAra (28)
- rAma (name of a god, see
above) + kumAra (son, see
- rAma-gaGgA (26)
- rAma (name of a god, see
above) + gaGgA (name of a holy river, see
- rAma-gaGgA tarka-bhUSaNa (26)
- see above. For
tarkabhUSaNa, see above.
- rAma-gopAla (24)
- rAma (name of a god, see
above) + gopAla (epithet of a god, see
- rAma-govinda vidyAlaGkAra
- rAma (name of a god, see
above) + govinda (an epithet of a god, see
above). For vidyAlaGkAra, see
- rAma-candra (23)
- rAma (name of a god, see
above) + candra (beautiful, see
- rAma-candra tarkAlaGkAra (23)
- see
above. For tarkAlaGkAra, see
- rAma-candra (25)
- see
- rAma-candra vidyAlaGkAra (27)
- see
above. For vidyAlaGkAra, see
- rAma-jaYa bhaTTAcAryya
- rAma (name of a god, see
above) + jaYa [ji (to win or acquire, conquer, vanquish,
defeat, excell, surpass) + suffix = conquest, victory]. For
bhaTTAcAryya, see above.
- rAma-jIvana (21)
- rAma (name of a god, see
above) + jIvana (life, see
- rAma-jIvana (24)
- see
- rAma-dAsa bhaTTAcAryya
- rAma (name of a god, see
above) + dAsa (servant, see
above). For bhaTTAcAryya, see
- rAma-dAsa nyAYAlaGkAra (24)
- see
above. For nyAYAlaGkAra, see
- rAma-deva (22)
- rAma (name of a god, see
above) + deva (god, see
- rAma-durlabha
- rAma (name of a god, see
above) + durlabha [dur (difficult, see
above) + labh [related to rabh [related to grabh (see above); to take hold of, grasp, clasp,
embrace, desire, act rashly]; to take, seize, catch, catch sight
of, find] + suffix = difficult to be obtained, scarce, rare,
extraordinary, eminent]
- rAma-durlabha (26)
- see
- rAma-durlabha (27)
- see
- rAma-dhana (27)
- rAma (name of a god, see
above) + dhana (wealth, see
- rAma-dhana (29)
- see
- rAma-nAtha (27)
- rAma (name of a god, see
above) + nAtha (lord, see
- rAma-nAtha (23)
- see
- rAma-nArAYaNa
- rAma (name of a god, see
above) + nArAYaNa (name of a god, see
- rAma-nArAYaNa (24)
- see
- rAma-prasAda (25)
- rAma (name of a god, see
above) + prasAda (gift, see
- rAma-bhadra (22)
- rAma (name of a god, see
above) + bhadra (blessed, see
- rAma-bhadra cakra-varttI (23)
- see
above. For cakravarttI, see
- rAma-bhadra (24)
- see
- rAma-maNi vidyAlaGkAra (27)
- rAma (name of a god, see
above) + maNi (jewel, see
above). For vidyAlaGkAra, see
- rAma-muni (27)
- rAma (name of a god, see
above) + muni [said to be from man (to think, see above); impulse, eagerness, moved by
inner impulse, inspired person, enthusiast, saint, sage,
- rAma-ratna (25)
- rAma (name of a god, see
above) + ratna (jewel, see
- rAma-ratna (26)
- see
- rAma-rAma tarka-paJcAnana (25)
- rAma (name of a god, see
above) + rAma (name of a god, see
above). For tarkapaJcAnana, see
- rAma-rudra
siddhAnta (25)
- rAma (name of a god, see
above) + rudra [rud (weep, cry, howl, roar, bewail, deplore) +
suffix = crying, howling, roaring, dreadful, terrible, horrible,
name of the destroyer shiva amongst the trinity; also claimed to
be related to rudhira [probably a root rudh (to be red) existed;
red, bloody] or rud/vRd/vRdh (to strengthen, see
above) or ru [ru (to break, dash to pieces, to kill) + suffix
= cutting] + dra/dru (to run, hasten, flee, attack)]. For
siddhAnta, see above.
- rAma-locana tarka-bhUSaNa (26)
- rAma (name of a god, see
above) + locana [loc [related to ruc (to shine, be bright, be
splendid or good, be agreeable to, be pleased with, like, desire)
and lok (to see, see above); to see,
perceive] + suffix = illuminating, brightening, eye]. For
tarkabhUSaNa, see above.
- rAma-vallabha (22)
- rAma (name of a god, see
above) + vallabha (etymology unclear; beloved, desired,
supreme, husband).
- rAma-sharaNa (24)
- rAma (name of a god, see
above) + sharaNa [shR/shri (to cause to lean or rest on,
fasten, direct, spread, lean on, rest on, cling to, be supported)
+ suffix = protecting, guarding, defending, shelter,
- rAma-hari vidyA-bhUSaNa
- rAma (name of a god, see
above) + hari [hR [probably two separate words; the one in use
means take, bear, carry, offer, carry away, master, overpower,
steal; there must have been another meaning to be yellow or green]
+ suffix = bearing, carrying, pale yellow, yellow, fawn-coloured,
reddish-brown, bay, green, horse, name of viSNu].
- rAmAnanda (20)
- rAma (name of a god, see
above) + Ananda (happiness, see
- rAmAnanda (24)
- see
- rAmendra (25)
- rAma (name of a god, see
above) + indra (best, see
- rAmeshvara (22)
- rAma (name of a god, see
above) + Ishvara (master, see
- rAsa-vihArI (30)
- rAsa [rAs [related to ras (to roar,
yell, reverberate, praise); to howl, cry] + suffix = uproar,
noise, a dance of the cowherds, sport or play] + vihArI [vihR [vi
[probably related to dvi (two); apart, asunder, about, away,
without, difference, variety, contrary] + hR [to take, bear, see above] = to put asunder, keep apart,
separate, open, distribute, disperse, carry away, remove, tear,
move on, walk, spend or pass time, walk for pleasure] + suffix
(subject) = wandering about for pleasure, addicted to] = One who
enjoys rAsa, an epithet of kRSNa.
- rAhula priYaGkara Aica (32)
- rAhu [rabh (to seize, see above) + suffix = the seizer, name of
mythical forces] + suffix = name of gautama buddha's
son. priYam [prI (to please, gladden, gratify, cheer, comfort,
soothe) + suffix = beloved, dear, liked, favourite, wonted, own] +
kR (to do) + suffix = winning friends, feeling affection. For
Aica, see above.
- riYA caTTopAdhyAYa (32)
- ???? (ri/rI means to set free, riy to
acquire wealth, hrI is shame/modesty.) I have heard it said that
it means a ‘flower’, ‘singer’ or
‘graceful’, but I have no idea where
that came from. Of course, I have heard
(though have no idea about
the reliability of some of the sources) that the word means joy in
Malaysian, is a rank title in Java, means father in some native
American language, is related to a root meaning protection in Maori,
was the pronounciation of the name of the Egyptian sun god Ra at some
point, is related to the root for river in many languages of Latin
origin, means something like way in Kurdish, related to the mother
earth, generation, and poppy in languages of Greek origin, name of a
flightless bird and a sattelite (same origin), related to bitter in
Italian, related to words for intention(?) or
pride (in a negative sense) in Arabic, related to the saMskRta AlaYa
(abode; but used in some spiritual meaning in this context) in Buddhist
texts from China, Japan, and Korea, is the name of a Japanese cartoon
character (related?), is a piece of tripura tribal women's clothing,
and even exists in assamese as the name of a plant! In Hebrew, Re'ya
(which seems to have different vowels than in riYA) is used as both a
male and a female name, and the root meaning is friend;
as a female name, it is often married lady, or simply lady. In Turkish
Rüya is used as a name and means dream, and a related word means
vision in Arabic. But, I haven't been able to find the origin of this
as a Bengali name. For caTTopAdhyAYa, see
- rINA vandyopAdhyAYa (31)
- ???? There is a rINA in saMskRta: rI/ri
[related to lI (cling or press closely, stick or adhere to, remain
sticking, lie, recline); release, sever, detach, yield, be
shatterred, be dissolved] + suffix = melted, dissolved,
vanished. I have heard this means queen, but do not know the basis
for this claim. It means joy or song in Hebrew, and apparently means
park in japanese. For
vandyopAdhyAYa, see above.
- rudAi (23)
- meaning unknown. Could be pet form of
rudra, see above.
- rudra (24)
- Name of shiva, see
- rudra cakra-varttI (25)
- Name of shiva, see
above. For cakravarttI, see
- rUpanArAYaNa
cakra-varttI (21)
- rUpa [rUp (to form, figure, represent,
gesture, view, contemplate) may be a backformation from rUpa;
maybe related to varpas [probably related to vR (cover, screen,
veil, conceal, hide, obstruct, close, restrain, forbid); a
pretended or assumed form, phantom, image, form]; appearance,
colour, form, shape, figure, beauty] + nArAYaNa (name of a god, see above). For cakravarttI, see above.
- rUpanArAYaNa (24)
- see
- rUpa-rAma (23)
- rUpa (form, beauty, see above) + rAma (name of a god, see above).
- romA-rAma (26)
- ??? roman/loman [related to ruh (ascend,
mount, climb, reach, attain, grow, heal); short hair on the body
of men and animals, feathers of a bird] + rAma (name of a god, see above).
- roSAkara (9)
- roSa [ruS [related to rush (to hurt,
injure, annoy); to be hurt, offended, displease, be vexed, be
angry] + suffix = anger, rage, passion, fury] + Akara [A (near,
towards, fully) + kRR (pour out, scatter, throw, cast, disperse,
fill with) + suffix = one who scatters, one who gives abundantly,
accumulation, mine].
- rauNaka mukhopAdhyAya (32)
- I do not know the etymology; urdu/hindi
word meaning shine, healthy sheen. For mukhopAdhyAYa, see above.
- lakSmaNa (25)
- lakS [might be back formation from lakSa
[related to lag (adhere, stick, cling, come in contact with,
follow closely, ensue); probably originally meaning attahed; mark,
sign, token, target]; to mark, sign, characterize, define, aim,
view, consider, regard, suppose, know, understand, recognize,
notice, perceive] + suffix = marked, with signs, with auspicious
signs, lucky, fortunate; name of brother of rAma.
- lakSmaNa (29)
- Brother of rAma, see
- lakSmI-nArAYaNa (29)
- lakSmI [lakS (to mark, see above) + suffix = mark, sign, token, bad
sign, impending misfortune, good sign, good fortune, prosperity,
success, happiness, wealth, beauty, name of goddess of fortune and
wealth] + nArAYaNa (name of a god, see
- vatsa (14)
- etymology unclear; probabaly a root
vatas meaning year existed; original meaning may have been one
year old; calf, young of any animal, offspring, child, dear
- vana-mAlI
- vana (etymology unclear; van means to
like, love, wish, desire, gain, acquire, conquer, possess;
however, there is a van meaning wood or wooden vessel; forest,
wood, grove, tree, plenty, abundance) + mAlA (garland, see above) + suffix = wearing a garland of wild
flowers, applied to kRSNa. For smRtiratna, see
- varadA (30)
- vara [vR (to choose, select, woo,
solicit, prefer) + suffix = choosing, chooser, suiter, lover,
bridegroom's friend, select, choicest, valuable, best, better,
boon]) + dA (to give) + suffix = one who grants
- varNAlI (31)
- varNa [varN (to paint, colour, dye,
depict, picture, write, consider, spread, praise) probably
backformation from varNa; maybe related to vR (to conceal, see above); covering, outward appearance,
exterior, form, shape, colour, lustre, dye, race, species,
letter, sound, musical note] + suffix = spectrum.
- vANI-nAtha (24)
- vANI [related to vaN/baN (to sound);
sound, voice, music, speech, language, composition, praise] +
nAtha (lord, see above).
- vinaya (30)
- vi (apart, see
above) + nI (to lead, guide, direct, govern, exclude, to carry
off as a victor, to lead home i.e. marry, to subdue) + suffix =
leading away, separating, training, education, discipline,
control, good breeding, propriety, decency, modesty,
- vishoka (6)
- vi (apart, see
above) + shoka (sorrow, see above) = end
of sorrow.
- vishva-nAtha (30)
- vishva [vish (to enter, settle down,
reenter, pervade, enter fire, sink, appear, go home to rest, flow
into, begin, undertake business) + suffix = all-pervading, all,
every, whole, entire, universal, everywhere, the whole world,
universe] + nAtha (lord, see
- vishveshvara
- vishva (universe, see
above) + Ishvara (lord, see
- vishveshvara (29)
- Lord of the universe, see above.
- vishveshvara (30)
- Lord of the universe, see above.
- viSNu (22)
- viS (to be active, work, be quick, run,
flow, serve, overcome, rule) + suffix = worker, the protector
amongst the hindu trinity.
- vRndAvana-candra (28)
- vRndAvana [vRnda [maybe related to vR
(to conceal, see above); heap,
multitude, flock, swarm, aggregation, cluster, chorus] + vana
(forest, see above)] + candra (best,
beautiful, see above) = an epithet of
- veda-garbha (32)
- veda [vid (to know, see above) + suffix = knowledge, true or
sacred knowledge, ritual knowledge, name of certain holy books] +
garbha (womb, see above).
- vaikunTha (28)
- vikuNTha [vi (contrary, see above) + kuNTha [kuNTh (to be lame, be
mutilated, be blunted, be dulled) + suffix = blunt, dull, stupid,
lazy, foolish] = sharp, keen, penetrating, irresistible, epithet
of viSNu] + suffix = place where viSNu lives, viSNu.
- vraja-mohana (27)
- vraja [vRj (to bend, turn, twist off,
pull up, pluck, gather, break somebody's neck, avert, remove,
withhold, choose) + suffix = a fold, stall, cow pen, cattle shed,
name of a place] + mohana (pleasing, see
above) = an epithet of kRSNa.
- vratati (32)
- maybe related to vRt (to turn, revolve,
roll, move, go on, advance, proceed, occur, to be, live, stay,
dwell, show, do); creeper.
- shaGkara (24)
- sham [maybe related to sham (to toil,
fatigue, prepare, arrange, finish, stop, hurt, injure, destroy) +
suffix (causative) = to pacify, allay, appease, calm, conquer,
conquer; auspiciously, fortunately, happily, well] + kR (to do) +
suffix (subject) = one causing prosperity, auspicious,
beneficient, a name of shiva.
- shaGkara (25)
- a name of shiva, see
- shaGkara (32)
- a name of shiva, see
- shambhu (30)
- Also shambhU; sham
(auspicious, see above) + bhU (to be, see above) + suffix = being or existing for
happiness, beneficient, benevolent, a name for shiva.
- shambhu-nAtha
vidyAlaGkAra (26)
- shambhu (a name for shiva, see above) + nAtha (lord, see
above). For vidyAlaGkAra, see
- sharata bhaTTAcAryya
- From saMskRta sharad [probably from
shrA (related to shRR described next; to cause to cook or
boil, to make hot)/shRR (to crush, break, fall, decay); time of
ripening, autumn, year.] For bhaTTAcAryya, see above.
- shalya (12)
- shal (to shake, see
above) + suffix = dart, javelin, arrow, splinter, fault,
defect, name of a mythological character.
- shasha-dhara (32)
- shasha [shash (to leap) is probably a
back formation; hare, rabbit, antelope, mild] + dhR (to hold, see above) + suffix = bearer of hare marks, the
- shATha (10)
- A name, meaning uncertain. Probably
shaTha [shaTh [maybe related to shuTh [maybe related to shuNTh (to
be lame, to limp, to dry); to limp, to be obstructed]; to hurt,
suffer pain, decieve, be idle; other meanings claimed include to
praise [related to shaT (to be sick, praise)/shal (to shake,
cover, move, praise)], speak ill/well [related to svaTh with same
meaning], accomplish/adorn/leave unfinished/leave unadorned
[related to saTh/shvaTh/shvaTh/shvaNTh with same meaning]] +
suffix = false, decitful, wicked, fool, idle, name of various
mythological characters] + suffix (son or descendant).
- shAntanu vandyopAdyAYa
- in old saMskRta seems to have been
shaMtanu [sham (good, see above) +
tanu/tanU [probably from tan (to extend, spread, diffuse,
continue, endure, stretch, bend, go towards, protract, manifest,
display, perform, compose, render) + suffix = thin, slender,
small, little, body] = wholesome for body, name of a mythological
character]. For vandyopAdhyAYa, see
- shAnti (30)
- sham (to stop; + causative = to calm, see above) + suffix = alleviation,
extinction, pause, tranquility, peace, absence of passion, absence
of pain, eternal rest.
- shAradA (29)
- Also written sAradA. Probably from
sharada [sharad (autumn, year, see above) +
suffix = produed in autumn, mature, that which provides shelter
against overflowing rivers in autumn] + suffix (feminine) = name
of durgA or sarasvatI, a kind of lute.
- shAradA (30)
- see
- shAva (10)
- The word meaning in bengali is young of
an animal derived from shU/shvi (to grow, see
above); the word also means cadaverous from shava (corpse;
from the same root; probably meaning swollen originally); but the
meaning most likely is one which seems to have been transferred
from shyAva [related to shyAma [said to be from shyai (to go,
move, freeze); black, dark coloured, dark blue or brown or grey or
green, an epithet of kRSNa]; dark brown, brown, dark, drawn by
horses, pungent and sweet and sour taste, name of a
- shiva-rAma
sArvva-bhauma (22)
- shiva (a god, see
above) + rAma (a god, see above). For
sArvvabhauma, see above.
- shiva-rAma (23)
- see
- shuka-deva (23)
- shuka [Probbly from shuc (to be bright,
see above) a parrot] + deva (god, see above) = name of various mythological
- shekhara (31)
- The top of the head, the highest, see above.
- shailena (30)
- probably shortened from shailendra
[shaila [shilA [probably related to shi (see above); stone, rock, crag] +
suffix; made of stone, rocky, rigid] + indra (best of, see above) = greatest mountain, the
- shobhana (5)
- shobh [related to shubh (to beautify,
embellish, adorn, look beautiful, shine, look like, make fit,
prepare); bright, brilliant, handsome] + suffix = brilliant,
splendid, beautiful, excellent, distinguished, superior,
auspicious, correct.
- shyAmA-kishora
- shyAmA [shyAma (see
above) + suffix (feminine) = woman with peculiar marks or
characteristics, a girl who has the marks of puberty, a woman who
has not borne children, female of slender shape, name of a female
deity] + kishora (son, see
- shyAmA-caraNa
- shyAmA (a deity, see above) + caraNa /(feet, see above) = (refuge at) shyAmA's
- shyAmA-caraNa (28)
- see
- shrI-kRSNa (31)
- shrI [maybe related to shri (to rest on)
or to shrI (to mix, mingle, cook); light, luster, radiance,
splendour, glory, beauty, prosperity, auspiciousness, wealth, high
rank, power, royal dignity, used as a prefix for names as a royal
symbol, used in polite address before a person's name] + kRSNa (a
god, see above).
- shrI-dhara (24)
- shrI (fortune, see
above) + dhara (bearer, see above) =
possessor of fortune, an epithet of viSNu.
- shrI-nAtha (29)
- shrI [shrI (fortune, see
above) + suffix (feminine) = goddess lakSmI of wealth] + nAtha
(lord, see above) = husband of lakSmI =
- shrI-rAma (22)
- shrI (a title, see
above) + rAma (a god, see
- shrI-rAma-kRSNa (27)
- shrI (a title, see
above) + rAma (a god, see above) + kRSNa
(a god, see above).
- shrI-shrI-rAma (25)
- shrI (a title, see
above) + shrI (a title, see above) + rAma
(a god, see above).
- SaSThI-caraNa (31)
- SaSThI [SaS (six) + suffix (ordinal,
feminine) = sixth day, a deity who protects children and is
supposed to be worshipped on the sixth day after birth when the
god of fate is supposed to write the fate on the child's forehead]
+ caraNa (feet, see above) = (refuge at)
SaSThI's feet.
- SaSThIvara (8)
- SaSThI (a deity, see
above) + vara (boon, see
- saGgIta
bhaTTAcAryya (31)
- saGgIta [[saM (together, see above) + gai (sing, speak, recite) = sing
together, chant, sing in chorus, celebrate] + suffix
= song sung in chorus, concert, song, music] + suffix
(feminine). For bhaTTAcAryya, see
- saJcitA (31)
- [saM (together, see
above) + ci [to arrange in order, heap up, construct e.g. an
altar, collect, accumulate, search/choose [this meaning may be
related to ci (to observe, perceive, be intent, seek, investigate,
search)], increase, cover] = to heap together, pile up, to put in
order, accumulate] + suffix (object, feminine) = piled together,
gathered, collected, dense, thick.
- satIsha (30)
- satI [sat [as (to be, live, exist, happen) +
suffix = being, existing, real, actual, as ought to be, true,
good, right, venerable, wise, honest, cratures, sage] + suffix
(feminine) = a good woman, virtuous woman, female ascetic,
faithful wife esp. that dies with her husband, name of many
mythological characters, name of umA] + Isha (master,
see above).
- satIsha-candra smRti-cUDAmaNi
- satIsha (see
above) + candra (best, beautiful, see
above). For smRticUDAmaNi, see
- sadA-shiva nyAYa-paJcAnana (26)
- sadA [maybe related to sa (conjunction,
union, thoroughness, see above) and dA (to
bind); always, every time, perpetually] + shiva (benevolent, see above) = always kind, always prosperous,
name of shiva.
- sanAtana bhaTTAcAryya (28)
- maybe from sanA [sana [sana [san (to
gain, acquire, possess) + suffix = gain, possession] may be a
different word; old, ancient, lasting long] + suffix = from olden
times] + tan (continue, succeed uninterruptedly, see above) + suffix = eternal, perpetual,
permanent, primeval, ancient. For bhaTTAcAryya, see above.
- santoSa (30)
- saM (with, see
above) + tuS (to be pleased, see
above) + suffix = satisfaction, content.
- samIra rAYa-caudhurI (32)
- [saM (together, see
above) + Ir (to go, move, arise, retire, agitate, elevate,
excite, bring to life) = to join together, bring about, create,
effect, promote] + suffix = that which moves, that which breaths
in life, air, breeze, wind. For rAYacaudhurI, see above.
- sudeva (31)
- shu/su (good, right, virtuous,
beautiful, easy, willingly, quickly) + deva (god, see above) = a good or real god, one who has
the right gods. [Also su + div (play, see
above) + suffix = potent, a very erotic lover.]
- sudhIra (30)
- su (good, see
above) + dhIra [dhR (to hold, see above)/dhA (to
put, place, see above) + suffix = steady, constant, firm,
brave, energetic, calm, gentle, well-bred] = very steady, firm,
resolute. [Also su + dhI [dhI [related to dIdhI (to perceive, think,
wish, desire), dhyai (to think, imagine, contemplate, meditate,
recollect), dhA (to put e.g. one's mind to, see
above); to perceive, think, reflect, wish, desire] + suffix =
religious thought, reflection, meditation, devotion, prayer,
understanding, intelligence, wisdom, knowledge, science, art,
mind, design, opinion] + suffix = very considerate and
- suparNA (31)
- su (good, see
above) + parNa (leaf, feather) + suffix = having beautiful
leaves, having beautiful wings, having beautiful rays.
- sumanta (31)
- meaning unclear. Maybe related to su
(good, see above) + mantu [man (to think, see above) + suffix = adviser, manager,
ruler] = easily known, friendly sentiment. Or from su (good, see above) + mantra [man (to think, see above) + suffix = instrument of
thought, speech, sacred text, prayer, secret, consultation,
resolution] = following good advice.
- sumitA (31)
- Though this word has meaning in saMskRta
arising from su (good, see above) + mA (to
measure, see above) + suffix = well
measured; and from su (good, see above) + mi
(to fix or fasten, build, construct, measure, judge, perceive,
know) + suffix = well established; and though mita in the latter
meaning has been used for names of mythological beings; the
bengali name probably comes from saMskRta sumitrA [su (good, see above) + mitra [probably from mith (to
unite, pair, couple, meet) or mid (to grow fat); a friend] +
suffix (feminine) = having good friends, good friend].
- sura-jita rAYa-caudhurI
- From saMskRta surajit [sura [derivation
unclear; maybe backformation from asura [maybe related to as (to
throw, cast, shoot, drive away, frighten); asu [as (to be, live,
see above) + suffix = breath, life, life in
the spiritual world] + suffix = spiritual, incorporeal, divine,
spirit, evil spirit, demon]; maybe related to svar (to shine); sur
(to rule, possess superhuman power) is probably a backformation; a
god, divinity] + ji (to win, see above) +
suffix (subject)]. For rAYacaudhurI, see
- sUryya-deva (23)
- sUryya [related to svar (to shine) as above; sun] + deva (god, see
- sUryya-deva (23)
- the sun god, see
- svAgatA (31)
- su (good, see
above) + A (near, see above) + gam (to
go, see above) + suffix = welcome. [Also, with
a different stress in saMskRta, sva (own, self) + A (near, see above) + gam (to go, see
above) + suffix = come of one's own.]
- hara-kumAra (28)
- hara [hR (carry, see
above) + suffix = bearer, destroyer, ravisher, name of shiva] +
kumAra (son, see above).
- hara-kumAra (28)
- see
- hara-nAtha (29)
- hara (shiva, see
above) + nAtha (lord, see
- hara-nAtha (29)
- see
- hari cakra-varttI (24)
- viSNu (see
above). For cakravarttI, see
- hari-nAtha (28)
- hari (viSNu, see
above) + nAtha (lord, see
- hari-nAtha (30)
- see
- hari-nArAYaNa
- hari (viSNu, see
above) + nArAYaNa (viSNu, see
- hari-nArAYaNa
nyAYa-vAgIsha (27)
- see
above. For nyAYavAgIsha, see
- hari-prasAda (27)
- hari (viSNu, see
above) + prasAda (gift, see
- hari-rAma vAcaSpati
- hari (viSNu, see
above) + rAma (a god, see above). For
vAcaSpati, see above.
- hari-rAma (22)
- see
- hare-kRSNa (31)
- From saMskRta hari (viSNu, see above) + kRSNa (a
god, see above).
- harendra (29)
- hara (shiva, see
above) + indra (best, see
- hArAna (30)
- corrupted form of some name.
- hArAna (29)
- corrupted form of some name.
- hAsi (30)
- from saMskRta has (to laugh, smile,
mock, ridicule, excel) = laughter.
- hIrA-lAla (29)
- hIrA [from saMskRta hIra/hIraka [maybe
related to hAra [hR (carry, see above) +
suffix = bearing, carrying, levying, ravishing, charming, garland
of pearls, necklace]; string of pearls, diamond]] + lAla (dear, see above).
- hIrA-lAla (30)
- see
- hema-garbha (2)
- hema [derivation unclear; gold] + garbha
[womb, see above] = having gold
- hemanta (30)
- hima (cold, frost) + suffix = cold