Traditional genealogy of bengali brahmins: vArendra brahmins of kAshyapa
These are the traditional genealogies of vArendra families
descended from suSeNa
of kAshyapa gotra. No attempt has been made to make this page
more comprehensible: it is mainly intended as people looking for
their origins, and I am sure they will treat this only as material
to start them off towards more serious investigation.
It would not have been possible for me to collect this information
except for the very useful book called brAhmaNa-itihAsa by
shrIharilAla caTTopAdhyAYa. I have no idea how he collected all
this material, and what criterion he used to select from among the
available genealogies of bengali brahmins. The book has sometimes
been difficult to decipher, and interested readers should look at
the original to verify my interpretation.
And finally, remember, tradition is not history. Similar caveats
apply to the historicity of these genealogies as apply to my own.
- suSeNa.
- brahma ojhA.
- dakSa.
- pItAmbara.
- shAntanu.
- hiraNyagarbha.
- bhUgarbha.
- vedagarbha.
- jighanI mahAmuni.
- svarNarekha.
- sindhu ojhA.
- sindhu had three sons kaitAi bhAduD.I grAmI, maitAi
maitrIgrAmI, and garuD.a. kaitAi's descendants
include the rAjAs of Alapa siMha and vRhaSpati
- maitAi had sthira.
- sthira had dauYAcAryya.
- dauYAcAryya had mahAnidhi AcAryya.
- mahAnidhi had vRhaSpati.
- vRhaSpati had sola, rUpa, and kupa ojhA.
- sola ojhA had ambara, keshava, and mAdhava, who was the
ancestor of arddhakAlI bhaTTAcAryyas of metara etc.; kUpa ojhA had jIvara ojhA, who initially
became kApa because of kaMsanArAYaNa rAYa, but later
became shrotrIYa by giving daughter to shrotrIYa.
- jIvara had sudhAi.
- sudhAi had shaGkarapANi.
- shaGkarapANi had shrInivAsa.
- shrInivAsa had rAmasharaNa and divAkaraNa, ancestor of
the ruling dynasty of nATora.
- rAmasharaNa had shUlapANi.
- shUlapANi had haripaNDita and vAcaSpati mishra.
- haripaNDiita had keshava.
- keshava had gaGgAnanda hAladAra who got the title
- gaGgAnanda had yajJeshvara and jaYanArAYaNa who got the
title talApAtra from the nawAba.
- jaYanArAYaNa had shrIkRSNa talApAtra who worked with
raghunandana, ancestor to rulers of nATora and got the
title caudhurI, and who had the vAsAbAD.I in
- shrIkRSNa had cÃrAYa (occupied high post under
AlivardI khÃ), kRSNakishora, kRSNagopAla,
gaGgAnArAYaNa, harinArAYaNa, and lakSmInArAYaNa.
- cÃrAYa had sonArAYa; kRSNakishora had rAmakishora;
kRSnagopAla had yugalakishora; lakSmInArAYaNa had
shyAma, govinda, and rudra.
- rAmakishora had kAlIkishora; yugalakishora had
harakishora; shyAma had shambhu; rudra had haracandra
and bhairava.
- kAlIkishora had kAshIkishora; harakishora had
Anandakishora; shambhu had IshAna, Ishvara, and rAja
harishcandra; haracandra had rAmacandra; bhairava had
umesha, girIsha, and golaka.
- kAshIkishora had rAjA yogeshakishora rAYa caudhurI of
rAmagopAlapura in maYamanasiMha; Anadakishora had
rAjendrakishora; harishcandra had upendra; rAmacandra had
shrIsha; girIshaputra had rAYa bAhAdura satIshacandra
rAYa caudhurI, jamIdAra of gokulapura of
- yogeshakishora had nagendrakishora, yatIndrakishora, and
saurIndrakishora; rAjendrakishora had vrajendrakishora
rAYa caudhurI, jamidAra of gaurIpura of maYamanasiMha;
upendra had satyendra; shrIsha had vIrabhadra;
satIshacandra had kSitIsha, jyotIsha, and pRthvIsha.
- vrajendrakishora had vIrendrakishora.
The rAjavaMsha of nATora descends from
kAmadeva rAYa who descends from divAkara = divAkaraNa [22].
kAmadeva had rAmajIvana, raghunandana, and viSNurAma. rAmajIvana
had rAmakAnta (who married rANI bhavAnI, daughter of AtmArAma
caudhurI of chAtima village) -> rAmakRSNa. rAmakRSNa had two
sons: vishvanAtha -> govindracandra -> jagadIndranAtha rAYa
who got the mahArAja title in 1867 shaka era -> yogIndranAtha;
and shivanAtha -> AnandanAtha -> yogendranAtha ->
jitendranAtha -> vIrendranAtha.
shashIshekhara rAYa bAhAdura, rAjA of tAherapura, and ramaNIkAnta
rAYa, jamidAra of caugrAma descend from udaYanAcAryya bhAdurI (whose son pashupati
kulAna's sons were the original kApas) <- vRhaSpati who descends
from kaitAi bhAduD.I [12].
mAdhava [18] had a descendant called rAghava who married his
teacher dvijadeva siddhAnta's daughter arddhakAlI and had
descendants now living in metarA, kalAgAD.iYA, khAbAsa, and
kRSNapura in dhAkA, elAGgA, bethaira, and shivapura of
maYamanasiMha, brAhmaNa grAma or vAmanagÃ, vetIla and
durgAnagara in pAbanA. His brother's descendants are in hAlAliYA
in dhAkA.