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The kings of coochbehar are said to have descended from ziva and the mythical haihaYa kings. The name coochbehar is probably from the name of the mongolian tribe koca. This region was part of the prAgjyotiSapura and kAmarUpa in ancient times. The muslim conquest of bengal in the thirteenth century lead to attacks on kAmrUpa as well, and the shAna tribe ahoma took over the eastern region and called it Assam. It is at this time that the kingdom of kAmtA with its capital in kAmtApur near coochbehar was formed. The many landlords called bhŨyA ruled many small kingdoms here; and after the conquest of kAmrUpa and kAmatA by Hussein Shah, one of them, vizu, son of hariYA maNDala of the koca tribe became powerful sometime around 1515, give or take two decades, took the name vizvasiMha, and established the kingdom of kAmatA with capital at kocavihAra. He supported, and was supported by the hundus, and was considered a kSatriYa. He was followed around 1540 by his son narasiMha. He died early and was followed by his brother malladeva naranArAYaNa, who made one of his brothers, zukladhvaja cilA rAYa, as his minister and general, and had another gohÃi kamala make the road gõsAi kamala Ali for troop transport. He made kocavihAra the most powerful kingdom in the eastern region by invading ahoma, kAchAD.a, maNipura, jaYantiYA, khaYarAma, dimaruYA, and zrIhaTTa, and entering into a treaty with Akbar. He split his kingdom between his nephew raghudeva, who had declared independence in the eastern kAmarUpa region, and his son lakSmInArAYaNa in the western part after his death in 1587. Due to a fight between the two, lakSmInArAYaNa decided to go under the protection of the mughal emperor in 1596. raghudeva was followed by parikSitanArAYaNa in kAmarUpa, who surrendered in 1613 after being defeated by the mughals. laksmInArAYaNa was followed by vIranArAYaNa, first as his representative when in prison, and after his death around 1626, in his own name. He was followed by prANanArAYaNa (1633–66; mughals occupied 61–62), who tried to capture kAmarUpa. He was followed by modanArAyaNa (1666–80; actual power held by mahInArAYaNa and his sons), vAsudevanArAYaNa (1680–82), mahIndranArAYaNa (1682–93; actual power held by jagatnArAYaNa and yajJanArAYaNa, sons of mahInArAYaNa). The mughals managed to get parts of this kingdom by invasions in 1685, 1687, and 1689; and by a prolonged war 1691–93 when mahIndranArAYaNa died. After an interregnum, rUpanArAYaNa ruled (1704–1714) and made peace, and was followed by upendranArAYaNa (1714–1763); whose adopted son revolted and had to be suppressed with the help of the king of bhuTAna whose influence increased over time. The later period under debendra nArAYaNa (1763–1765), dhairyendra nArAYaNa (1765–1770;1775–1783), rAjendranArAYaNa (1770–1772), dharendranArAYaNa (1772–1775), harendranArAYaNa (1783–29 Jul 1839; under bAjendranAraYaNa's regency since 1836), shivendranArAYaNa (29 Jul 1839–23 Aug 1847), narendranArAYaNa (23 Aug 1847–6 Aug 1863; under bAjendranArAYaNa's regency 23 Aug 1847–6 Aug 1863) and nripendra nArAYaNa (6 Aug 1863–18 Sep 1911) is not discussed here. In 1880, nripendranArAYaNa called himself maharAjA (instead of rAjA), and was recognized as such on 16 Aug 1884. He was followed by rAjendranArAYaNa (18 Sep 1911–1 Sep 1913), jItendranArAYaNa (1 Sep 1913–20 Dec 1922) and and jagaddIpendranArAYaNa (20 Dec 1922–15 Aug 1947; under indirA devI sAhibA's regency till 6 Apr 1936) till it became a part of India. It became a part of the state of West Bengal in 1950.