Traditional genealogy of bengali brahmins: ghoSAla, kAJjilAla,
putituNda, and other families of vAtsya gotra.
These are the traditional genealogies of rADh.I families descended
from chAndara of vAtsya gotra.
No attempt has been made to make this page more comprehensible: it
is mainly intended as people looking for their origins, and I am
sure they will treat this only as material to start them off
towards more serious investigation.
It would not have been possible for me to collect this information
except for the very useful book called brAhmaNa-itihAsa by
shrIharilAla caTTopAdhyAYa. I have no idea how he collected all
this material, and what criterion he used to select from among the
available genealogies of bengali brahmins. The book has sometimes
been difficult to decipher, and interested readers should look at
the original to verify my interpretation.
And finally, remember, tradition is not history. Similar caveats
apply to the historicity of these genealogies as apply to my own.
- chAndara (see also
under varendra brahmins for
descendants of his brother dharAdhara).
- chAndara had 11 sons surabhi ghoSAla (from ancient ghoSa =
modern ghoSagrAma in vIrabhUma), shaGkara pipalAi=piplI (from
ancient pippala = modern pepula in vIrabhUma), shrIdhara kAJjilAla
(from kAji in varddhamAna), kavi shimbalAla (from ancient shimUla
= modern shimuliYA in varddhamAna), nArAYaNa=hari kAJjArI (from
ancient kAJjA = modern kAJjiYA kuD.A in bA~kuD.A), mahAyashA
vApulI (from ancient vApUlI = modern vApUlA in varddhamAna),
ravi/dhIra mahistA=mahintA (from ancient mahanta = modern mahatA
in murshidAbAda), dhIra/ravi patituNDa=putituNDa (from ancient
putituNDa = modern pAtuNDA in murshidAbAda), mano=manohara
dIghala=dIghArI, nIlAmbara coTkhaNdI (from cotkhaNDa in
varddhamAna), and vishvambhara pUrvvagAmI (from ancient pUrvva =
modern pUrvvagrAma in murshidAbAda). Some sources don't count the
last three, and others mention that they were born later than the
division of the villages.
- surabhi -> sAgara; shrIdhara -> vedagarbha; ravi
putituNDa -> jaimini.
- sAgara -> tamopaha; vedagarbha -> viSNu; jaimini
-> lakSmIdhara.
- tamopaha -> hala; viSNu -> sujiSNu; lakSmIdhara
-> vanamAlI.
- hala -> murAri; sujiSNu -> kola; vanamAlI ->
- murAri -> vishvAmitra; kola -> dhurandhara; matsala
-> varNana.
- vishvAmitra -> jita; dhurandhara -> vANeshvara;
varNana -> utsAha.
- jita -> sharaNi; vANeshvara -> prANesha; utsAha
-> kulIna govarddhana.
- sharaNi -> piGgala; prANesha had two sons hiGgula and
varAha; govarddhana -> shika.
- piGgala -> kulIna
shiva=shiromaNi=shira; hiGgula -> kulIna jAnu=kAnu; varAha -> kulIna kutuhala; shika -> pItAmbara.
- shiva -> uddhava; jAnu -> cA~da; pItAmbara had two
sons cakrapANi and mAdhava.
- uddhava -> ko~ca; cA~da had four sons te~i, rudra,
hiGgala, and trilocana; cakrapANi -> gopAla; mAdhava ->
kaMsAri mishra.
- ko~ca -> Abho; te~i had four sons gopI, tapana, bhIma,
and gaGgAdhara; gopAla -> shrIraGga; kaMsAri -> paramAnanda
- Abho had 3 sons: gadAdhara, pashupati, and getho; gopI
had two sons kushala and kautuka.
- gadAdhara -> trilocana; pashupati -> teYI; kushala
had two sons kAJjilAla and narapati.
- trilocana -> udaYa; teYI -> udaYa; narapati had two
sons kRSNa AcAryya and madhusUdana AcAryya.
- udaYa (son of trilocana) -> vAmana; udaYa (son of
teYI) -> gaNeshvara; kRSNa had two
sons prajApati and viSNu.
- vAmana -> vishvanAtha; gaNeshvara -> vishvanAtha;
prajApati had 4 sons rAmacandra, rAmabhadra, puruSottama and
- vishvanAtha (eD.iYAdahavAsI, but which one?) had kaMsArI
(mishra, or is this confusion with kaMsAri [13]?) and
aramAnanda=aravinda ghoSAla; rAmacandra had two sons shrIgarbha and
- kaMsAri -> shrIdhara.
- shrIdhara -> yadunAtha.
- yadunAtha -> gopikAnta.
- gopikAnta -> rAmakRSNa.
- rAmakRSNa -> rAjendra.
- rAjendra -> viSNudeva.
- viSNudeva -> kandarpa.
- kandarpa -> kRSNacandra.
- kRSNacandra -> mahArAja jaYanArAYaNa ghoSAla of
- jaYanArAYaNa -> kAlIshaGkara.
- kAlIshaGkara had kAshIkAnta, satyaprasAda, satyacaraNa,
satyakiGkara, and satyacaraNa.
- satyacaraNa -> satyAnanda.
Other people mentioned are dokaD.i piplAi, dvividha mahintA, madana
and vishvarUpa ghoSAla, and gautama pUtituNDa.