Miscellaneous varendra families

harihara ThAkura of bharadvAja gotra ratnAvalI gAJi was established in mathurA grAma in pAbanA by mathurAnAtha rAYa of kAliYAi vaMsha, jamidAra of vAgAkAshInAthapura. harihara had rAmarAma ThAkura, ancestor of mAdhavAnanda bhaTTAcAryya, and whose descendants lived in chonkA and kRSNakRSNa ThAkura, ancestor of rAmakamala bhaTTAcARyya, amd whose descendants lived in nagarapura, kAlikApura and kAliYA villages after mathurA was swallowed by the yamunA. When chonkA was swallowed, they went to dhopAkholA and pukurapAD.a; when kAlikApura was swallowed, rAmAnanda ThAkura went to pukurapAD.a, his nephew kRSNAnanda went to rAmanagara, and one of his son's sons went to gaurInagara khÃpura village.

advaita had valarAma, jagadIsha, acyUta, gopAla, and kRSNamishra. balarAma had 10 sons including madhusUdana, ancestor of gosvAmI bhaTTAcAryya, devakInandana or daivakInandana, ancestor of gosvAmIs of Atavana, rAmacandra, kumudAnanda, ancestor of pAgalA gosvAmIs, kAmadeva, narottama, nityAnanda, and mathuresha, ancestor of baD.a gosvAmIs of shAntipura. mathuresha had three sons rAghavendra, ghanashyAma, ancestor of maTho gosvAmIs of shAntipura, and rAmeshvara. kRSNamishra had two sons raghunAtha, ancestor to madanagopAla gosvAmI and dolagovinda, whose descendants live in uthaligrAma.

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