With Nasir Khan taking control, the dynasty of ganesha finally came to an end. According to some accounts he was unpopular with the nobles and replaced by Nasir-ud-din Mahmud Shah (1435? 1437?-1459), a grandson of Shams-ud-din Iliyas Shah; though Nasir Khan himself might have taken the name Nasir-ud-din. He is known as a just ruler who built a lot of forts and palaces in gauD.a. He had fights with kapilendradeva of Orissa and bhairavasiMha of mithilA, and his general Khan Jahan established muslim rule for the first time in yashohara and bAgerahATa. He sent emissaries to China in 1438 (with a giraffe) and 1439, but since this was not reciprocated, contact between China and Bengal stopped.
In 1455, he appointed his son Rukn-ud-din Barbak Shah. (1455–1476) as a joint ruler, who became the sole ruler on Nasir-ud-din's death in 1459. His general Ismail Gaji regained mAndAraNa fort from kapilendradeva and defeated and converted to Islam the king of kAmatA. Trihut was under the overlordship of the Sharqi sultans of Jaunpur (mahmud shah sharqi 1440–1457, muhammad shah 1457–58 and hussain shah 1457–77), but as they weakedned, Rukn-ud-din made the hindu king of trihut his vassal. His son bharatasiMha (bhairavasiMha?) revolted, but finally accepted his overlordship. He also must have reconquered caTTagrAma after the Arakan kings Meng Kheri (1434–59) and vasoAhpyu (1459–82) conquered it, since he put rasti khan as its governor, whose descendants ruled it for a long time. Rukn-ud-din was a scholar, and had the titles al-Fazil and al-Kamil. He may have constructed the dAkhila darwAja in gauD.a. He supported the arts amongst both hindus and muslims. Brihaspati Mishra wrote gItagovindaTIkA, kumArasambhavaTIkA, raghuvaMshaTIkA, shishupAlavadhaTIkA, amarakoSaTIkA padacandrikA, sRtiratnahAra, etc. under Jalal-ud-din and Rukn-ud-din, and was given lots of jewelry and the titles paNDitasArvabhauma and rAYamukuTa. vishArada, probably father of vAsudeva sArvabhauma, was also probably from this period. mAlAdhara vasu, author of shrIkRSNavijaYa (about 1473) was given the title guNarAja khAn. And, it is possible, that kRttivAsa (b. about 1399), author of the bengali rAmAYaNa, was also honoured by him. govardhana, author of purANasarvasva, got the titles satya khan and shubharaj khan from him. Ibrahim Kayum Faruqi, author of the Farsi dictionary Farang-i-ibrahimi or Sharafnama, lived in Jaunpur and was honoured by Rukn-ud-din. Amir Jainuddin may have been his court poet. He also put many hindus in high posts, including one as his physician. He also brought many Afghans and Abyssinians into Bengal.
In 1474, Shams-ud-din Yusuf Shah (1474–1481 1483?) was made the joint ruler and two years later when his father Rukn-ud-din died, he ruled alone. He is described as a educated, religious and able ruler. He annexed sylhet. He enforced the laws harshly, stopped alcohol consumption, and warned the alims against being partial in judgements. He constructed many mosques, including, possibly, loTana and cAmakATi in gauD.a; converted many temples to mosques or minars, like the ones dedicated to sUrya and nArAYaNa in hooghly pANDuA, which he may have conquered; and destroyed the brahmashIlA sUrya idol.
After him, there may have been a Sultan Sikandar Shah II, son of Yusuf Shah, for a few months, who was removed because of his insanity. The next ruler was jalal-ud-din fateh shah (1482–1487 or 1484–assassinated in 1485?) = hosen shah, son of Nasir-ud-din Mahmud Shah. He is described as a good ruler in vijaYagupta's manasAmaGgala, but gives indication that muslims did commit atrocities on hindus. vRndAvanadAsas caitanyamaGgala and jaYAnanda's caitanyamaGgala however criticizes himfor his harsh treatment of the hindus of navadvIpa where caitanya was born on 18th February 1486: but this was the time when rumours were floating of coming Hindu power in Bengal, and navadvIpa was a center of Hindu learning attracting many prominent people.
Jalal-ud-din's strict enforcement enraged the abyssinians around him, and they conspired with the palace chief khoja barbak and assasinated him.
In the meantime, the delhi sultanate declares independence under mubârak shâh (1421–assassinated 1444? 34? muh.ammad shâh 1434–43?) and continued on under Alauddin ´Âlam Shâh (1444? 43? - 1451).